See What is Tomcat and how do I install it?
Old below here

In the Infrax FAQ, Allen wrote:

Your servlet should have a fully-qualified class name like, and be installed under the root directory of all the website Java classes, which is /home/www/gsrcwww/java/WEB-INF/classes. So, from that directory, it should be gsrc/foo/blah/MyServlet.class.

To deploy your servlet, a <servlet&gt...</servlet> section must be added to /home/www/gsrcwww/java/WEB-INF/web.xml, to map the servlet name of your chosing (to be used in the servlet's URL) to the fully-qualified class name.

Those sections of that file for the GSRC website are maintained under the javapages CVS module. Check out that module with the command,

  cvs -d checkout javapages
Go to the directory, javapages/gsrc/conf and add the new section to the file, web_xml.section, using existing sections as examples. For example, here is the section for the WorkshopRegistration servlet:


The servlet is accessed by the URL, "".

Run make install to install the changes into /home/www/gsrcwww/java/WEB-INF/web.xml.

After installing the servlet class file and the changes to the web.xml file, restart Tomcat to make the servlet available. To do that, do the following as root on gigascale:

   # /etc/init.d/tomcat stop
   # /etc/init.d/tomcat start

After verifying the the servlet can be invoked from a browser, commit your changes to web_xml.section.