See Deleting an attachment about why we don't allow users to delete attachments.

To delete a non-publication attachment, see: Deleting a non-publication attachment

To delete a entire publication, go to Options and then under "Power Tools" on the left: Remove a publication.
On E3S, the link is
The Pub ID is the number in the URL. So, if you are attempting to delete, then the Pub ID would be 98.

To delete a publication attachment or publication upload:

  1. Use the mysql interface:
    It doesn't matter which URL you use, they both go to the same place! Note that you need to be in the webmaster group and possibly and admin for the mysql link to work.
  2. Then browse to the database that corresponds with the site wide workgroup, for example:
  3. To delete a reference to an attachment or upload, find the pubsX table and then delete the record for the offending file. Deletions are executed by clicking on the red 'X' for the record. Hint: The most recently added attachments are at the end of the table, use the >> button to go to the end of the table.
    Hint The ownerid field is the number of the publication that "owns" the link. For example, if the publication url is, then the ownerid with be 33, which is the number to search for.
  4. To delete a publication, go to the pubs table, find the offending publication and delete it.