
  1. Install Mailman-2.1 using yum install mailman. For the short term, we are using Mailman-2.0.x, but by using yum install, the mailman user gets set up.
  2. Download Mailman from We were running mailman-1.0rc2, and upgraded to mailman-1.1 in March, 2001. From 11/2010 until 10/2012, andrews was running Mailman-2.0.3. Moog is running Mailman-2.0.13. We should upgrade to Mailman-2.1, which would require changing the web ui. To see what version is installed, run /export/home/mailman_2/bin/version
  3. (This step is obsolete) Download and install Python from Python 1.5.2 corresponds with mailman-1.1
    1. 	./configure
      	make >& make.out &
      	tail -f make.out
      	make install

    Problem: pasting "PREFIX" and ""/scripts/"" While running make, the gcc error message: ./common.c:26:1: pasting "PREFIX" and ""/scripts/"" does not give a valid preprocessing token appears. The fix is to do the substitution by hand.
    //#define SCRIPTDIR PREFIX##"/scripts/"      /* trailing slash */                              
    #define SCRIPTDIR "/home/mailman_5/scripts/"         /* trailing slash */

  4. Be sure that /etc/passwd contains
    New: for moog:
    mailman:x:41:41:GNU Mailing List Manager:/usr/lib/mailman:/sbin/nologin
    and /etc/group contains:
    The apache user must be in the mailman group or else the web ui won't be able to update the config.db pages.
    Old: for andrews:
    and /etc/group contains
  5. Set up the mailman home directory
    mkdir /export/home/mailman
    chown mailman.mailman /export/home/mailman
    chmod 02775 /export/home/mailman
    (cd /home; ln -s /export/home/mailman .)

  6. New, on moog:
    Old, on andrews: Run configure with gid==502, which is the www gid. Don't use the apache gid, see Mailman CGI Error.
    ./configure --with-cgi-gid=502
    make install

    Old, on andrews: Run configure with gid==105, which is the apache gid
    ./configure --with-cgi-gid=105
    make install
  7. ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin

The next step is to Install Mailman for a new website.

Disabling a user does not remove them from the mailing lists.