Updating the Java Server Pages (JSPs) is more complex than updating the PhP pages.

Basically, the JSP pages for the website are in ~www/java. Each website has a separate directory. However, the pages in ~www/java are copied from another location, so any edits you make in ~www/java will be overwritten the next time the Java pages are installed.

To make an edit:

  1. Log on to moog as www.
  2. cd to the ~www/java directory and then into the subdirectory for the website to be updated. For example, to update e3s:
    cd ~www/java/e3s
  3. Find the file to edit. It is easiest to use grep to search for a string. For example, if we want to edit the E3S workshop registration form, search for "Last name:" using case insensitive grep:
    [www@moog e3s]: grep -i "Last name:" * */*
    workshop_registration.jsp:    <td><b>Last name:</b></td>
    The file that was found is workshop_registration.jsp make your edits.
    For the left hand menu, edit /home/www/java/e3s/decorator.jsp
  4. Important! When you are done, update the master file in the SVN tree. Usually, the directory is the last ~www/src* directory:
    [www@moog e3s]: ls -ltrd ~www/src_*
    drwxr-sr-x   3 www           512 Dec 18 10:54 /home/www/src_testrelease7/
    drwxr-sr-x   3 www           512 May 23 16:00 /home/www/src_testrelease8/
    In this case, the directory is ~www/src_testrelease8
  5. The layout of the src directory is a little different. The bulk of the website code is in directories like: ~www/src_testrelease8/javapages/site name /gsrc/. In our case, the file to update is ~www/src_testrelease8/javapages/e3s/gsrc/workshop/workshop_registration, so we do:
    cd ~www/src_testrelease8/javapages/e3s/gsrc/workshop
    diff ~www/java/workshop_registration.jsp .
    svn commit -m "Fixed style in workshop registration" workshop_registration.jsp