Merging the user.profiles table

Typically, the problem is that people update their profiles. The solution is to do a merge by date
  1. Get the user table from the old machine
     su - mysql
     cd /tmp
     mysqldump -q --quote-names --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-extended-insert -u root user > andrews_user.sql
  2. Get the user table from the new machine
     su - mysql
     cd /tmp
     mysqldump -q --skip-tz-utc --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-extended-insert -u root user > moog_user.sql
     scp www@andrews:/tmp/andrews_user.sql .
  3. Use diff to check for changes:
    egrep "^INSERT" andrews_user2.sql | sort > aus.sql
    egrep "^INSERT" moog_user.sql | sort > mus.sql
    diff aus.sql mus.sql > us.sql
  4. Edit /tmp/andrews_user.sql and update the table name from profiles to profiles_andrews
  5. Edit /tmp/moog_user.sql and update the table name from profiles to profiles_moog
  6. On the new machine, create a new database and load the above files:
    mysqladmin create user_merge
    mysql user_merge < andrews_user.sql
    mysql user_merge < moog_user.sql
  7. Here's the tricky part. We want to create a new table that consists of a merge of the two tables where we take the record with the latest lastProfileUpdate.
    So, we use the SQL create command
    How do I join the most recent row in one table to another table?
    How to write flexible INSERT and UPDATE statements in MySQL
  8. On the new machine (moog), create a database for experimenting
    mysqladmin create user_merged
  9. Create a copy of the profile table on moog. The file create.sql contains
    CREATE TABLE profiles_merged LIKE user.profiles; INSERT profiles_merged
    SELECT * FROM user.profiles;
    mysql user_merged < create.sql
  10. Here's the sql that gets any user profiles that have been updated on andrews. Place it in a file m1.sql
    REPLACE INTO profiles_merged
    SELECT a.*
    FROM profiles_andrews a, profiles_moog m
     WHERE a.username = m.username
       AND a.lastProfileUpdate > m.lastProfileUpdate;
    Then run
    mysql user_merged < m1.sql
  11. Here's the sql that gets any profiles that are present on andrews but not on moog. Place it in a file m2.sql
    INSERT INTO profiles_merged
    SELECT *
    FROM profiles_andrews a
    WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM profiles_moog m WHERE a.username = m.username);
    Then run
    mysql user_merged < m2.sql
  12. Then replace the user.profile table with the contents of the user_merged.profile_merged.

Old below here

To copy the database to a new machine, it is best to work from the nightly mysql backups located in ~www/mysqlarchive/Day.

See ~www/php/util/copydatabase for a script that will copy archived database files from two machines and merge them.

See ~www/php/util/mysqlmerge for a script that then destroys the current database and loads in the new database.