In theory, making edits to the PhP is fairly straightforward:
Become the www user on moog
To become the www user, ask Christopher for an account on moog. After he creates an account, use ssh to connect to and then do
sudo -i
su - www
The sudo -i command logs you in as root.
The su - www command makes you the www user.
Make edits
The php files are in ~www/php/
The website files are in ~www/websitewww.
To edit the php files, become the www user and use cvs commit as the www user.
To edit the website files, become the cvs user and use cvs commit as the cvs user.
Look in /export/home1/tmp/php.err when there are problems.
This faq has other hints. Also, try using cvs diff to look at what changes have been made.

There are a number of complexities, some of which are documented in

A good starting point is Web Infrastructure at