Sometimes for an old website, the following email will be generated:
MySQL generated an error.This user is not logged in.Apache environment:

The error message is:
Cannot connect to MySQL server.Stacktrace:
  at sqli_error(/home/www/php/include/
  at sqli_connection_error(/home/www/php/include/
  at sqli_open(/home/www/php/include/
  at sqli_select_array(/home/www/php/include/
  at post_array(/home/www/php/include/
  at include(/home/www/php/subpages/post.php:818)
  at include(/home/www/php/
  at include(/home/www/php/
  at /home/www/php/get.php:40

This error last occurred 0 times between
01:12:08 AM 10/27/15 and 01:12:09 AM 10/27/15
 with no mail sent to avoid an unmanageable deluge of email.

To delete the file keeping track of these repeated error messages,
log onto moog as root and
        rm -f  /home/www/wwwdata/delugeMail/c95fa853cbe1aaadeee5bcbc97a0ca12
Looking at /export/home1/tmp/php.err will have lines like:
[28-Oct-2015 09:26:49] PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): (42000/1049): Unknown database 'musycadmin_11' in /home/www/php/include/ on line 436
[28-Oct-2015 09:26:49]  [client] sqli_open() failed: Unknown database 'musycadmin_11': Failed to connect to database musycadmin_11 on localhost as dbreader: Unknown database 'musycadmin_11'
What happened here is that the MuSyC website was moved, but the databases for all the groups were not created on the new machine.

The solution is to create the group using the options facility for the corresponding website.

It may also be necessary to use the MySQL Interface to disable the faq for the group. To do this:

  1. Go to the MySQL Interface
  2. Find the auth_N database, where N is the number of the website (CHESS=2, MuSyC=11 etc.)
  3. Go to the groups table, find the entry for the workgroup in question
  4. Edit the entry and change faq to 0.
  5. Commit the change
  6. Retry the URL