Sanjit asked for:
Is there a way to update the online form for such requests so that the requester can indicate the name of their institution and the book they are interested in (e.g. Lee & Seshia, Lee & Varaiya, etc.)?

How we create accounts was updated in March, 2015 so that request an account page for the instructors group requests the above information and saves it in the users database, profiles table.

To get a dump of the data, see /home/www/php/util/instructors:

# Generate a tab separated file of non-null 'book' fields  
# Usage:                                                 
#   su - mysql 
#   mysql < /home/www/php/util/instructors 
select p.username, p.realname, p.affiliation, p.homepage,, u.recentAccess
from user.profiles p, auth_2.auth a, auth_2.users u
where p.username = a.username AND p.username = u.username AND a.groupname =	'instructors';