There are several different ways to create accounts.

CVS accounts

To create a CVS account, the user requests an account to source via the web, email is sent to root and the addcvsuser script is run. See How are CVS accounts created?

Non-CVS Accounts

On source.eecs and andrews you can use the useradd Solaris command or else do these steps
  1. Copy the user's /etc/passwd line from source or another machine. If they don't have an account, log on to a CUSG managed machine and run ypcat:
    cxh@fortytwo 32% ypcat passwd | grep sprinkle
    sprinkle:abcdeghijlmno:18869:1018:Jonathan M. Sprinkle, :/home/eecs/sprinkle:/bin/bash
    When you add the line to /etc/passwd, replace the encrypted password with an x and change the user directory to /home/username. Note that andrews does not mount NFS home directories, so we don't use /home/eecs.
    sprinkle:x:18869:416:Jonathan M. Sprinkle,,,:/home/sprinkle:/bin/bash
  2. Edit /etc/shadow and add put the encrypted password in the file:
  3. Run pwck and verify that the password file is not corrupt. You will see that the user's home directory is missing, we do that next.
  4. Create the user's home directory, copy the dotfiles in and chown it to the user:
    mkdir /home/username
    cd /home/username
    cp /usr/cluster/lib/userhome/.??* .
    chown -R username .
  5. Run pwck and verify that the password file is ok.
  6. See what groups Mary and Christopher are in:
    groups marys
    and consider adding the user to those groups by editing /etc/group.
  7. Run grpck to verify that /etc/group is ok.
  8. Su as the user and verify that they can log in:
    su - username
  9. Send email to the user and tell them they can log in using ssh.