Before reiping a machine, coordinate with hostmaster to set up the dns records. Also, for, you will need to change the record at ehost.

After moving a machine and giving it a different name, do the following

  1. Change the name in /etc/hostname.hme0, /etc/nodename and /etc/auto_home.
  2. Add the new hostname to /etc/hosts
  3. Change the name of the router in /etc/defaultrouter
  4. Change the name of the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf
  5. Get ssh working for the www user so that we can update php scripts
  6. Change the name in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf and php/include/
After moving a machine and giving it a different ip address, do the following
  1. Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf and modify the hosts line so that the machine will get its name from DNS:
    hosts:      dns files
    After the ip change, change this line back to
    hosts:      files dns
  2. Change the ip address in /etc/hostname.hme0 and /etc/hosts.
  3. Change the name of the router in /etc/defaultrouter.
    If your client is getting its address via dhcp, then editing /etc/defaultrouter might not be necessary.
  4. Change the name of the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf
    See the IDSG Cory Networking page
  5. If necessary, add the network to /etc/networks.
  6. After rebooting, verify that ssh works for the various users like www.
    The old IP Address might be in the ~/.ssh/ directory of some of the accounts to check. You may need to update these files:
  7. ~bldmaster/.ssh/known_hosts2 on source
  8. On andrews, check /etc/init.d/chessnet. This file sets up the virtual interfaces.
  9. Edit the firewall file: /etc/ipf/ipf.conf on the machine that is changing and the dumphost.
  10. Also, check in /etc/inet/ for the old ip address.
  11. The Virus Scanner needs to have the relay addresses updated. See What was done to install InterScan VirusWall on gigascale? Note that you can also edit etc/iscan/intscan.ini and add relay ip addresses by hand, then restart sendmail:
    On Solaris:
        % /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail stop
        % /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail start
    On Linux:
        % /etc/init.d/sendmail stop
        % /etc/init.d/sendmail start
  12. If you are changing the name of the website, then update the DNS server for the the website, see Domain Name Servers.
  13. If you are running mailman and the website name changes, then you will need to modify the mailman setup or else the web forms will not work. The script /home/www/php/mailman/updatemailmanwebsite does the following:
    For each mailinglist:
    1. Download the configuration:
      /export/home/mailman_N/bin/config_list -o /tmp/mailman.txt mailinglistName
    2. Edit /tmp/mailman.txt and change to the new website
    3. Upload the new configuration:
      /export/home/mailman_N/bin/config_list -i /tmp/mailman.txt mailinglistName