Usually, CVS is installed from prebuilt binaries from
Or, if there is a security problem with CVS, you can install by hand:
  1. Obtain the latest source from and place it in /export/home/tools/downloads
  2. cd /export/home/tools
    tar -zxf downloads/cvs-1.11.22.tar.gz
    cd cvs-1.11.22
    make >& make.out &
  3. Before installing the new version, check to see if there is a version installed as a package.
    pkginfo | grep cvs
    application SMCcvs         cvs
    Then do
    pkgrm SMCcvs
  4. Run
    make install
  5. The /usr/local/bin/cvs binary is about 3Mb in size, so run
    /usr/ccs/bin/strip /usr/local/bin/cvs
    to reduce it to about 600K.
Note that the cvs binary is copied in two locations so that it can be run suid. For details, see

Also, be sure to update /usr/slocal/cvsusers/bin/cvs on gigasource

On gigasource, be sure to update the individual copies of cvs that the cvs users have in their directories:

cd /export/home
ls -1 */bin/cvs > /tmp/f
awk '{print "cp /usr/local/bin/cvs", $1}' /tmp/f > /tmp/f2
verify that /tmp/f2 has lines like:
cp /usr/local/bin/cvs acataldo/bin/cvs
and then run
sh -x /tmp/f2
and verify the results with
ls -l */bin/cvs


After upgrading cvs, be sure that pserver is working.

The easiest way to do this is to check out the ptII repository using pserver, see where basically you do

cd c:/directoryofyourchoice
cvs -d login
# No password needed, hit enter
cvs -d co ptII


Make syntax changes to CVSROOT/loginfo that appear to be necessary as of version 1.11.5: The quotes used to surround the argument to the -s option in all the mailx commands need to be escaped by preceding each one with a back-slash. Not doing this causes the filenames of files being committed to be taken as email addresses for the notifications to be sent to. (Make these changes by checking out CVSROOT
cvs co CVSROOT
editing loginfo and committing the change.)

See How do I set up CVS mail?