These sites: are all served from These sites use are Apache virtual hosts.

We used to use as a test server for moog. The corresponding development websites were:

The development websites all share a common IP address and use Apache's virtual host facility. Each of the development websites use SSL on a different port.

The source for the website is on

moog is a Red Hat machine managed by Mary Stewart and Christopher Brooks.


The websites use PhP.

Log Files

PhP Log Files

On moog, the PhP logs can be found in /export/home1/tmp/php.err. If you run into problems such as a blank page, this is the place to look for error messages

Apache Log Files

On moog, the Apache logs files can be found in /usr/local/apache/logs. Note that we run cronolog, which rotates the logs every night.

JSP logs

On moog, the JSP log files can be found in /usr/local/tomcat/logs. We use JSP for changing passwords and managing calendars.


The easiest way to administer MySQL is via the web:
  • - For the production servers: chess, embedded and trust
  • - For the test servers: chesstst, embeddedtst, trustt
  • For this to work, you must have a website account in the webmaster workgroup.


    To work on the website, you will need these accounts

    General Development Procedure

    Since development involves multiple windows, you might find it easier to use Windows remote desktop on hermes or newton and set up ssh windows there.
    1. Log on to using ssh and then su to www:
      su - www
    2. As www on carson, update the tree:
      cd ~www/php
      svn update
      Note that there will be some config.php files that will be locally modified. These files are used to differentiate between the development websites and the production websites.
    3. Make your changes on carson, checking the results on the development servers:
    4. When everything looks good, check in your changes as the www user:
      cvs commit -m "Fix security problem surrounding globals" foo.php
      NOTE: the log messages should be clear and describe what was done. A blank message or a "fixed bug" message will not do.
    5. Log on to andrews using ssh and the su to www:
      su - www
    6. To be safe, you might want to check that the websites are working before you make your changes:
    7. Once you are convinced the sites are working, as www, update the php and check your changes:
      cd ~www/php
      cvs update