This question is out of date

InterScan VirusWall is available as a download from Trend Micro. UC has a site license. The serial number for the license is IVEF-9997-0258-6837-5455.

InterScan VirusWall locations on DOP Servers

bennett www's password /usr/local/iscan
andrews www's password /usr/local/iscan
gigadev www's password /home/iscan
markov Note that this port might not be available outside the fire wall, so the solution is to use Windows Remote Desktop connection to connect to a host on the inside of the firewall (such as gigavault) and then connect to markov. "admin" user, www's password /usr/local/iscan
gigascale www's password /home/iscan
To change the password, log on to the mail server
cd /etc/iscan
/usr/local/apache/bin/htpasswd .htpasswd admin
It might be worth turning off the virus scanner website, since the departmental scanner says it has problems. To do this, do
mv /etc/rc2.d/S99IScanHttpd /etc/init.d/IScanHttpd
/etc/init.d/IScanHttpd stop                                                 
To start it up, do
/etc/init.d/IScanHttpd start

Manual Upgrade of Virus Pattern

The virus pattern gets updated every day.
Sometimes it is necessary to upgrade the virus pattern by hand with a provisional virus pattern.
To do this, see the instructions at
  1. Go to the local iscan website and note the pattern number under "Pattern Update".
  2. Download the latest file from
  3. Untar it in /etc/iscan
    cd /etc/iscan
    tar -xf /tmp/ptnNN.tar
  4. Restart the scanner by going to the local iscan website, go to "Turn On/Turn Off", click on "Off" then click on "On".
  5. Go to "Pattern Update" and verify that the version number was bumped up.
Unfortunately, the Interscan VirusWall update does not work under Solaris 10, so we wrote /usr/local/adm/trendpatternupdate:
# Sadly, Trend Micro's update does not work under Solaris 10.
# If you use this, update root's crontab to look like:
# #0 * * * * /etc/iscan/prescan.cgi
# 30 * * * *  /bin/csh -c "/usr/local/adm/trendpatternupdate" > /tmp/trendpatt
ernupdate.log 2>&1

# Download the latest pattern tar file
updateURL=`lynx -dump | gr
ep | grep ".tar" | awk '{print $2}'`
cd /tmp
# wget -nv means "turn off verboseness, without being quiet."
wget -nv $updateURL
tarfile=/tmp/`basename $updateURL`

echo "Downloaded $tarfile:" > $maillog
echo "`ls -l $tarfile`" >> $maillog

# Check to what we last updated to.
lastpatternfile=`ls -1tr /etc/iscan/lpt*vpn.[0-9]* | tail -1`
lastpatternnumber=`echo $lastpatternfile | awk '{print substr($0,length($0)-2,
newpatternnumber=`basename $updateURL | awk '{print substr($0,4,3)}'`

# Only update if we have to
if [ "$lastpatternnumber" = "$newpatternnumber" ]; then
    cat $maillog
    echo "$0: patterns are the same: ($lastpatternnumber == $newpatternnumber)
, no need to restart"
    rm -f $tarfile

echo "$0: Updating from $lastpatternnumber to $newpatternnumber" >> $maillog

# Untar and restart the daemon
cd /etc/iscan
tar -xf $tarfile
/etc/rc2.d/S99ISmaild stop
sleep 1
shouldBeEmpty=`/bin/ps -ef | grep /etc/iscan/isdelvd | grep -v grep`
if [ "x$shouldBeEmpty" != "x" ]; then
    echo "$0: WARNING: /etc/rc2.d/S99ISmaild stop failed to stop, isdelvd is s
till running" >> $maillog
    echo "$shouldBeEmpty" >> $maillog
/etc/rc2.d/S99ISmaild start

shouldNotBeEmpty=`/bin/ps -ef | grep /etc/iscan/isdelvd | grep -v grep`
if [ "x$shouldNotBeEmpty" = "x" ]; then
    echo "$0: WARNING: /etc/rc2.d/S99ISmaild failed to start, run" >> $maillog
    echo "/etc/rc2.d/S99ISmaild by hand" >> $maillog

echo "Restarted isdelvd:" >> $maillog
echo "$shouldNotBeEmpty" >>  $maillog                                         

/usr/ucb/Mail -s "Trend Pattern Update: `basename $updateURL" root < $maillog
cat $maillog

rm -f $tarfile

This script runs every hour, downloads the latest file and then restarts the daemon if necessary.

InterScan VirusWall Upgrade Instructions

The upgrade instructions are fairly similar to the complete installation instructions below

InterScan VirusWall Installation instructions

Note:If you are running Sendmail 8.13 or later, you may need to mess with MSP. See
  1. Go to the Trend Micro DOWNLOAD website and choose "InterScan VirusWall".
  2. Download the Solaris version, not the "Solaris - Sendmail version"
  3. If prompted, Go to the "Already a customer" box and enter the first 6 characters of the serial number to download the file.
  4. Untar the file into /home/tools/viruswall. There is a PDF manual included in the download, which you should read over to plan how to install it. The following notes are what I have done to install it initially on gigascale.
  5. The installation script will ask for the full 24-character string serial number to unlock the software.
  6. As root, run the installation script:
  7. Edit /etc/iscan/S99ISmaild, changing all instances of "ps" to "/bin/ps".
  8. Set up the home directory for the user, iscan:
    % cd /home
    % ln -s /export/home/iscan .
    % cd /home/iscan
    % mkdir logs
    % chown iscan.iscan logs
    % mkdir virus
    % chown iscan.iscan virus
    Fix iscan's password and home directory: Fix the SSL certificate for the admin web application: Bring up the administration web tool at Restart sendmail:
    On Solaris:
        % /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail stop
        % /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail start
    On Linux:
        % /etc/init.d/sendmail stop
        % /etc/init.d/sendmail start
    Test virus scanning by sending an email with the a test attachment obtainable at
    If you send a test virus, you will likely need to turn off virus checking on the sending machine.
    Also, carefully check the headers of the email message and the virus log on the server to be sure that relay.eecs is not intercepting the virus before it gets to gigascale
    You can also try pasting the following uuencoded version of into a message
    begin 755
    M6#5/(5 E0$%06S1<4%I8-30H4%XI-T-#*3=])$5)0T%2+5-404Y$05)$+4%.

Relay Issues

Make sure that the machine is not configured to be and Open Relay by
  • setting "Source relay check:" in the main email configuration.
  • setting the local domain in "Additional Email Options"
  • Note that you can also edit etc/iscan/intscan.ini and add relay ip addresses by hand, then restart sendmail as above. You may also need to restart the webserver, otherwise the java apps might not see the changes.

    In mh on doppler, I needed to edit /opt/nmh-1.0.4/etc/mts.conf

    # List of smtp servers to try if using smtp support
    servers: localhost
    so that users on the clients could use mh to send email to domains outside of eecs.
     chylands at post: unexpected response; [RPLY] 554 <>... Relay operation rejected
    send: message not delivered to anyone

    Another thing to try would be the smart server entry in

    How do we scan for viruses?
    InterScan VirusWall, from Trend Micro, is the software we use to screen all mail handled by gigascale for viruses, as it is received.

    It runs as a daemon process, called isdelvd, that listens to port 25, the default port for sendmail. It checks any attachments to mail messages for various kinds of viruses. If any are found, it removes the virus from the attachment if possible, or else removes the attachment altogether, saving it in a quarantine directory, /home/iscan/virus. It then adds text to the message saying what it did (if any virus was found), and sends the message on to sendmail, which now listens to port 10025, to be delivered to the recipient.

    InterScan VirusWall has a web-based administration tool, at It prompts for an ID and password. The ID is "admin", and the password is www's password.

    There is a PDF manual for it, which is in the infrax forum article, InterScan VirusWall Manual. Allen also has a hard copy of the manual.

    Log files

    InterScan VirusWall logs information to /home/iscan/logs/log.<date> as it processes email messages.

    Information about viruses it detects is logged to /home/iscan/logs/virus.log.<date>.


    The software automatically gets "pattern" updates from Trend Micro once a week for recognizing the latest viruses. The scheduling of these updates is configurable from the administration tool, and updates can be done manually.

    Problems with local mail

    It looks like commands like
    Mail -v postmaster
    Don't work.
    cxh@bennett 33% Mail -v postmaster
    Subject: A test to postmaster
    Body Message
    cxh@bennett 34% postmaster... Connecting to [] via relay...
    220-InterScan Version 3.81-Build_1098 $Date: 11/24/2005 15:38:0005$: Ready
    220 bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.6/8.12.9; Wed, 17 Dec 200
    8 11:16:40 -0800 (PST)
    >>> EHLO bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
    250-bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Hello localhost [], pleased to meet 
    250 HELP
    >>> VERB
    250 2.0.0 Verbose mode
    >>> MAIL From: SIZE=78
    250 2.1.0 ... Sender ok
    >>> RCPT To:
    >>> DATA
    050 ... aliased to root
    503 Need RCPT (recipient)
    050 root... aliased to,
    250 2.1.5 ... Recipient ok
    >>> RSET
    250 2.0.0 Reset state
    /home/eecs/cxh/dead.letter... Saved message in /home/eecs/cxh/dead.letter
    Closing connection to []
    >>> QUIT
    221 2.0.0 bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU closing connection
    The secret is that the IScan log file
    12/17/2008 11:16:40 smtp[11790]: smtp[133]: << 503 Need RCPT (recipient)(By ISUX)
    The message likely comes from ISSMTP/IScan.SMTP/issmtpd, or at least the strings command shows that
    503 Need MAIL before RCPT
    (By ISUX)
    ORCPT anti-relay skipped - [
    check rcpt:
    ORCPT anti-relay skipped -- [
    554 <
    >... Relay operation rejected
    original server timeout/disconnect while waiting RCPT command response.
    RCPT command Response (
    ): Not add recipient address(
    ) in the list.
    which indicates that the mail is being rejected because of a problem with RCPT, such as the fact that we are not accepting mail that does not have a domain.