From Allen Hopkins' notes: What is Struts and how do I install it?

Struts is a Java framework from the Jakarta Project that facilitates writing JavaSever Pages (JSP) and servlets in keeping with the Model/View/Controller (MVC) pattern. Most of our JSPs use it.

October, 2012: Because struts-1.3.10 did not work, let's try 1.0.2 first.

tar -zxf jakarta-struts-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd jakarta-struts-1.0.2.tar.gz
On andrews, /usr/local/tomcat/server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar exists, so on moog:
mkdir -p /usr/local/tomcat/server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/lib/
cp lib/* /usr/local/tomcat/server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/lib/

As of 12/08, we tried running struts-1.3.10, but failed with:

gmake[4]: Entering directory `/export/home/www/src_testrelease/javapages/chess/gsrc/calendar/taglib'
rm -f `basename .java`.class
CLASSPATH="../../..:../../../../common:/usr/j2ee/lib/j2ee.jar:/usr/local/lib/struts/struts.jar" "/usr/java/bin/javac" -g -O
../../../../common/gsrc/calendar/ package org.apache.struts.action does not exist
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;

As of 6/05, we were running struts-1.0.

Download the latest Jakarta Struts release, unbundle it, and copy the entire contents of its lib directory to /usr/local/lib/struts-X.Y (where X.Y is the version number). Make /usr/local/lib/struts a symbolic link to this directory.

These instructions are wrong Use Struts-1.0 instead.

cd /export/home1/root/tools/downloads
cd ..
unzip downloads/
mv struts-1.3.10/lib /usr/local/lib/struts-1.3.10
cd /usr/local/lib
rm -f struts
ln -s struts-1.3.10 struts

The next step is How do I install the MySQL JDBC driver?