Obsolete /
BrowserAccessorHosts(redirected from Main.BrowserAccessorHosts) Obsolete, see Browser Host There are currently two (incomplete) prototypes of browser host FIXME: Both of these are out of date. The Cape Code Host? is the most developed. Version 0.a by Chris ShaverFIXME: Chris to describe his here. Version 0.b by Edward A. LeeThis version uses a style-sheet specification within the accessor XML file to direct a browser on how to render an accessor. Specifically, the accessors at https://ptolemy.berkeley.edu/accessors include in their XML file the following line: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="renderHTML.xsl"?> This directs the browser to a file "renderHTML.xsl" at the same website that defines an XSLT script that converts the accessor XML file into HTML. This HTML includes the documentation for the accessor plus a table for inputs, a table for outputs, and a button for each of the initialize, fire, and wrapup procedures. You can try it out by directing your browser to https://ptolemy.berkeley.edu/accessors/StockTick.xml. |