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DeviceDiscovery accessor

The DeviceDiscovery accessor discovers IP addresses, plus names and MAC addresses when possible, of devices available on the local area network.

Currently, it uses a combination of the ping and arp commands to do so. Other service discovery mechanisms are possible for future extensions.

Implementations for Node.js and for Ptolemy are available.

  • For Node, the accessor is located in the SwarmOS repository under /hosts/browser/public/accessor/DeviceDiscovery.xml
  • For Ptolemy, in the Ptolemy repository, look to $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/jjs/demo/DeviceDiscovery/DeviceDiscovery.xml

The ping scan should discover all IP-connected devices regardless of which service discovery protocol (if any) they implement (e.g. upnp, bonjour, ...) For example, Hue bridges should be detected. Further discovery mechanisms will be needed for non-IP devices.


See Also

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Page last modified on May 01, 2017, at 09:19 pm