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Programming the Swarm Workshop: May 27 - 29, 2015

The primary goal of this workshop is to develop team expertise with the TerraSwarm challenge problem of Programming the Swarm. The workshop will have two parts:

  • May 27: One day intensive hands-on introduction to designing and using accessors for building swarmlets. Prior experience with JavaScript and XML is helpful. Homework below is essential.
  • May 28-29: Two day intensive teamwork on extending the accessors framework to provide access to new devices and services. Prior experience with Java/Eclipse and/or Node.js is helpful.

We have two Berkeley prototypes of accessor hosts, one that is an extension of Ptolemy II, and one that is an application built on Node.js, and three Michigan prototypes, a Java-based one using Nashorn, a Node.js one, and a Python/Node one.

At this time, the plan is for the workshop to focus on the Ptolemy II host, but the other hosts will be introduced and compared, and, depending on their maturity at the time of the workshop, experimented with.


  1. Read Latronico, et al., "A Vision of Swarmlets".
  2. Install Ptolemy II from the SVN repository.
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