edit SideBar
- Stevo created a new repo structure, where flo is the only submodule of note
- this repo includes the vlsi directory and necessary technology files, so it’s on the BWRC repo
- Stevo created a tape-out TODO list by using the issue tracker on the new flo-vlsi repo
- Palmer wrote a SERDES design document detailing the LVDS PHY and MAC layers we need for the tape-out
- what more do we need to know?
- what formats do FPGAs support? (ask Angie)
- John will play around with FPGA high-speed IO
- might need to include high-speed output for other kernels
- Jonathon needs a BWRC account
- create master document with what we are taping out (add info/diagrams on architecture, network, etc.)
- what document (naming conventions)
- how document (mostly Raven3, plus MIM flow)
- how big is the scratchpad memory? how big are FIFOs in routers?