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Hack Day Brainstorming

Collect ideas, find collaborators for controlling the world with FPGAs. Will also have documentation and links for Zedboard/Arduino adapter.

Retreat Demo Plans

Robot soccer + laser following

  • Perceive position and orientation of robots, balls, laser pointers using camera
  • Control robots using XBee radios - user robots drive towards human controlled laser points, goalie robot tries to keep balls out of an area?
  • Use laser galvo scanner to paint ball trajectory on to ground when hit


Motivate your project idea by describing what it is, who is working on it, and what easy things you've made easy/hard things you've made possible.

Example Project

  • People: Austin
  • Idea: Text you when your house is on fire
  • Easy Things: Analog input, UART to Cellular
  • Hard Things: Camera identification of flames
  • Shields/HW: Sparkfun SM5100B Cellular Shield, CuteDigi MQ2 Smoke Detector Shield, Camera module
  • Comments: Naw, social media's where it's at. Forget texting, it should either tweet it or update your Facebook status so your friends will be the first to know your house is on fire.

Buildbot Waterfall

Sudoku Solver

  • People: Adam (not committed), Colin (not committed)
  • Idea: Write a sudoku solver in chisel. Solve super-quick-like on FPGA.
  • Easy things: Finding sudoku puzzles
  • Hard things: Solving sudoku puzzles
  • Shields/HW: Not sure. Maybe some type of input mechanism?
  • Comments: Random Idea. Perhaps people can add to it?
  • (As an existence proof: David Sheffield wrote a 9-cycle sudoku solver last year) =D

Laser Vector Display

  • People: Patrick
  • Idea: Create a display format for simple vector-line graphics. Control a two-axis laser to project image onto wall.
  • Easy things: Designing the display format. Display algorithm.
  • Hard things: Controlling the Laser.
  • Shields/HW: Not sure. What sort of laser allows control?
  • Comments
    • Ducky: check out how laz0r printers work - they fire the laser at a mirror on a galvo, which rotates at high speed to scan the beam. Other methods (like servos) are probably too slow to be useful. Bonus points if you can make this RGB - using a red, green, and blue laser. There are red (635 or 650nm) and blue (445-450 or 405nm) direct solid state lasers, but green (532nm) is typically frequency-doubled from IR. Nothing that isn't widely available for reasonably cheap. Note that 5mW (=class IIIa) is typically used for laser pointers, higher power risks eye damage (despite also being widely available). Off-brand lasers may not meet their specifications (either over or under), and off-brand green lasers may leak (dangerous amounts?) of IR.
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Page last modified on December 16, 2014, at 02:09 am