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This page contains a list of the projects used as part of the DREAMER tool flow along with a description of each tool and library that these projects contain. The descriptions are currently pretty minimal, but they should probably be expanded a lot!

libflo (


Reads in a Flo file and produces (on stdout) a canonicalized version of that circuit. Canonical Flo files have widths directly written into the Flo file everywhere they can be known. One major use of flo-canon is to determine if a Flo file is actually a valid Flo file or not.


Reads in a Flo file and produces (on stdout) some basic statistics about that file.


A Flo parsing and generation library that's used by the other executables in this project as well as pretty much every other DREAMER tool.

flo-llvm (

flo-llvm is an LLVM backend for Flo files. It currently helps with verification of the rest of the DREAMER tools, but is eventually designed to replace Chisel's C++ back-end.


A wrapper script that takes in a Flo file and produces an object file and a header file that allow this Flo file to be executed on a CPU. You'll almost certainly want to be calling this instead of directly calling the different compiler versions, as it's got some tricks to work around odd distribution troubles. Passing "--MODE" will run flo-llvm-MODE to produce output.

Additionally, passing --harness to any of the compiler versions will generate a C++ file that contains a C++ test harness for running against the Chisel tester.


Generates VCD files that are compatible with flo-torture. This differs from Chisel's default VCD output because it does not include internal registers. If you're not using flo-torture then you almost certainly shouldn't be using this mode of operation.


Generates a VCD file that's compatible with Chisel's default output mode.


Generates a VCD file that's compatible with Chisel's "--debug" option.


Generates a VCD file that's compatible with Chisel's "--emitTempNodes" option.

flo-mwe (

Multi-Word Expansion for Flo files. This consumes a Flo file and produces another Flo file that has multi-word operations split up multiple single-word operations.


Produces an output Flo file that contains no extra mapping information. This output format is compatible with Jonathan's DREAMER tools, so it's probably the version you want.


Produces an output Flo file that contains CATD and RSHD operations. These two pseudo-operations contains the mapping information from full-width nodes to word-width nodes.

pconfigure (

A build system. See the documentation at


The main build system command. You should read the documentation, but if not just type

$ pconfigure
$ make
$ make check


A pretty-printer for test cases, as well as a script that runs tests and formats their output such that in can be understood by the pretty printer.

vcddiff (


Takes two VCD files and diffs them. This is a context-aware diff, so it'll work if the ordering of statements changes within a cycle or if the VCD internal temporary names change.


A library that's designed to be used to parse VCD files.

vcd2step (

Converts a VCD file to a file that can be read by the Chisel tester API.

libdrasm (

LIBrary for DReamer ASseMbly, not really used yet.

libocn (

LIBrary for On-Chip Networks, not really used yet.

tek (

A Makefile generator for LaTeX. There's no documentation, but you can probably just get away with running

$ tek
$ make

to build any of my LaTeX projects.

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Page last modified on May 23, 2014, at 01:23 am