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Error Messages

Problem: Gethostbyname gave NULL answer

In the message below, RTIA cannot resolve the name of the host computer. You should check if your hostname is correct and if the environment variable CERTI_HOST is correctly set to this computer:

RTIA:: RTIA has thrown NetworkError exception.
RTIA:: Reason: gethostbyname gave NULL answer for hostname <blablabla> with error <Undefined error: 0>
RTIA:: End execution.

This problem has been seen under Mac OS connected to the internet via a cable modem where the Mac has an address like and hostname returns something like ealmac23.local.

One possibility is to run sudo hostname localhost, though this will cause problems with sharing, see macOS Sierra: Change your computer’s local hostname

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Page last modified on September 24, 2020, at 01:48 pm