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A more complete guide to adding actors to vergil can be found here, this is temporary, since the method is planned to improve.

This guide will walk through the basics of adding an actor to vergil so future developers can see what we did.

Scattered throughout ptolemy/actor/lib and the sub directories, are .xml files. Some of these files end up being folders in vergil that contain actors that the user can drag and drop into the editor. They will look like the following:

 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
 <!DOCTYPE plot PUBLIC "-//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN"
 <entity name="FolderName" class="ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary">
 <doc>Doc description here</doc>
 <entity name="ActorNames" class="">
 <doc>Create a sequence of tokens with increasing value of 2</doc>


We created one of these with the name "Mbed" and placed all of our actors that had mbed CG adaptors to them in here.

In order to add this folder to a specific place in vergil, these are accessed in ptolemy/config files to set up the browser. We added the following line to ptolemy/config/defaultFullConfiguration.xml:

 <input source="ptolemy/actor/lib/mbed/mbed.xml"/>

Add this to the location within the folder you want this to show up.

There are other locations that this can be added, such as in a sub folder. An example is ptolemy/config/basicActorLibrary.xml which will add to the "Actor" folder. This should probably not be changed though.

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Page last modified on April 25, 2015, at 11:02 pm