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The adapter java file is used to help generate the code for the specific actor. It is paired with a file with the actual code template to be used with the generated code.

File Structure

When the Code generation actor is used, it looks at the package specified for the adapter and template files. In the case of the mbed, generic.program.procedural.c.mbed is used, which will search at ptolemy/cg/generic/program/procedural/c/mbed where the file is located. From here, the file structure from the actual actor file is mirrored. So the adapter java file and c template files are located farther under the mbed directory, near adapters/ptolemy/actor/lib then whatever sub-directory the actual actor java is located in. For example, the Display is under gui, and the GPIOWriter is under io instead. When a new adapter is added, the makefile in the directory it is located in must add the java file, if a new folder is added (such as when I created a new io folder), then the makefile under the lib folder must update to include this.

If an adapter is not found in the given package, it will traverse upwards until it finds one. So if mbed does not have the actor adaptor, it will then look up at c, then procedural, and so on.

Getting Started

The class should have the same name as the actor class itself. If no other adapter for this actor exists, then this class will extend NamedProgramCodeGeneratorActor, otherwise it should extend the adapter closest to package you are in. For example, the Display adapter for mbed will extend the adapter in generic.program.procedural.c. This is convenient since the adapter did not even need to be modified.

TODO: Add more sections, I pretty much just copied the display actor adapter, more work is being done to learn how the adapter works.

Creating the c template file

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Page last modified on April 11, 2015, at 06:53 pm