edit SideBar
- Ian Brown's Notes about Netbeans
- Christopher prefers Eclipse because
- Most people in the Ptolemy group at Berkeley use Eclipse
- OpenArchitectureWare is in Eclipse
- Eventually using Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) would be useful. Ed Wilink wrote -> It's a much steeper learning curve, but I can strongly recommend using GMF. You get far more editing capabilities built-in and more are likely to appear with time. With SWT your editor will not improve almost for free in future releases.
- Hauke also prefers Eclipse, because he does not know Netbeans too good ;-) and
- GEMS is an alternative visual editing framework in Eclipse to GMF. Maybe even easier to use.
- You get a lot infrastructure stuff for free, like EMF for the model part of a MVC pattern. Might be easy to come up with a ptolemy EMF model (e.g. from a MoML XSD) and you get Model Validation, Transformation, Persistence, etc. for free