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Notes about how to Export Ptolemy Models to HTML


The Ptolemy II development tree contains facilities to export models to the web. There are two separate facilities:

  1. HTML export of static models that allows the user to browse parameters and plotter output, but not actually execute the model. This facility uses image files, image maps and Javascript, so it should work on most browsers. Java is not required.
  2. WebStart export that allows the user to change parameters and run the model. This facility requires that the user have Java installed locally on their machine.

By using these two facilities together, it is possible to export models that will be viewable for many years in the future.


To build the complete set of signed jars and install them on the Ptolemy website, you will need:

  • An ssh account on moog and be a member of the ptolemy Unix group.
  • Access to our key, which is in /users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore on moog.
  • Access to the password, which is in /users/ptII/adm/certs/.pw on moog.

Building Ptolemy II

  1. Download and configure Ptolemy II. See For Mac/Linux, if you have read/write Subversion access:
    svn co ptII
    If you don't' have read/write access:
    svn co ptII
    cd ptII
    export PTII=`pwd`
    For Windows:
    1. Download the tree using SVN
    2. Install Ant
    3. copy ptII/build.default.xml to ptII/build.xml
  2. Build and then build jar files
    ant javadoc
    ant -f jars.xml jars
    Also, create the lbnl jars:
    (cd $PTII/lbnl; make install)
    If you don't have access to the Ptolemy web server, after downloading and building Ptolemy II, you can create your own key by running
    cd $PTII
    make ptKeystore

Placing and cleaning the models

  1. It is easiest if all of the models to be exported are in one directory. If necessary, create a directory in ptII/doc/books/ or ptII/doc/papers. Papers usually get put into a subdirectory with the year, for example ptII/doc/papers/y14/. The y is necessary because the path to the model needs to be a legitimate Java package name so that JUnit will work for the tests. Legitimate package names must start with an letter (or maybe an underscore). For example
    mkdir $PTII/doc/papers/y14/constructive
  2. Copy the models into the directory that was created.
  3. Examples should follow the Ptolemy II style guide at In particular:
    1. .xml file names should be well formed Java identifiers
    2. Reset the zoom and center each model
  4. Add a makefile. Try copying from an adjacent directory. See the style guide for more about makefiles.
  5. If you have read/write Subversion access, add the directory, models and makefile to subversion.
    svn add modularSemantics
    svn commit -m "Added models for ealpapers/y14/constructiveSemantics
  6. The makefile in the director that contains the models should have a echo_models rule. For books, this rule is in
    # $PTII/mk/ calls "make echo_models"
    @echo "$(EXAMPLE_MODELS) $(EXAMPLE_SUBMODELS)" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {print $$i}}' | sort

Create index.html and toc.htm

Create index.html and toc.htm files. It is easiest to work from prexisting sources, below is a sample index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<!-- doc/books/systems/continuous/ $Id: 68395 2014-02-11 02:59:34Z cxh $
This gets copied to the website.
scp moog:/export/home/pt0/ptweb/books/Systems/models/doc/books/systems/continuous/index.html
<!--#include virtual="/ssi/toppremenu.htm" -->
<!--#include virtual="toc.htm" -->
<!--#include virtual="/ssi/toppostmenu.htm" -->
<!-- Do not include a body open tag here, the ssi does it -->
<h1>Models for Constructive Models of Descrete and Continuous Physical Phenomena</h1>
<p>This page contains links to the models described in
<p>Edward A. Lee, "<a href="">Constructive Models of Discr\
ete and Continuous Physical Phenomena,</a>" EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Technical Report No. UCB/\
EECS-2014-15, February 8, 2014.</p>
<p>The models are in HTML and Java Web Start format.</p>

<!-- See the toc.htm file for how to update these -->
<li> <a href="BilliardsOneDimensional/index.html">BilliardsOneDimensional</a></li>
<li> <a href="BouncingBallModal2/index.html">BouncingBallModal2</a></li>
<li> <a href="BouncingBallModal/index.html">BouncingBallModal</a></li>
<li> <a href="BouncingBall/index.html">BouncingBall</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision3/index.html">Collision3</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision4/index.html">Collision4</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision5/index.html">Collision5</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision6Modal/index.html">Collision6Modal</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses2/index.html">CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses2</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses/index.html">CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneousLoss/index.html">CollisionSimultaneousLoss</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneous/index.html">CollisionSimultaneous</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision/index.html">Collision</a></li>
<li> <a href="DiodeInductorModel/index.html">DiodeInductorModel</a></li>
<li> <a href="Friction/index.html">Friction</a></li>
<li> <a href="IntegratorLoopPlot/index.html">IntegratorLoopPlot</a></li>
<li> <a href="LCDModal/index.html">LCDModal</a></li>
<li> <a href="TwoCapacitorsModelWithDelays/index.html">TwoCapacitorsModelWithDelays</a></li>

<!--#include virtual="/ssi/bottom.htm" -->
<!-- Do not include a body or html close tag here, the ssi does it -->

Below is a sample toc.htm

<!-- doc/books/systems/toc.htm $Id: toc.htm 68136 2014-01-16 17:52:33Z cxh $ \

This gets copied to the website.
scp toc.htm moog:/export/home/pt0/ptweb/books/Systems/models/doc/books/systems/toc.htm
<div id="menu">
<li><a href="/index.htm">Ptolemy Home</a></li>
<li><a href="index.html">Models</a></li>
<!-- Update with:
cd $PTII/doc/papers/y14/constructive/models
make echo_models| sed 's/.xml//' | awk '{print "<li> <a href=\"" $1 "/index.html\">" substr($1, 0, length($1)) "</a></li>"\
<li> <a href="BilliardsOneDimensional/index.html">BilliardsOneDimensional</a></li>
<li> <a href="BouncingBallModal2/index.html">BouncingBallModal2</a></li>
<li> <a href="BouncingBallModal/index.html">BouncingBallModal</a></li>
<li> <a href="BouncingBall/index.html">BouncingBall</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision3/index.html">Collision3</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision4/index.html">Collision4</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision5/index.html">Collision5</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision6Modal/index.html">Collision6Modal</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses2/index.html">CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses2</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses/index.html">CollisionSimultaneousDifferentMasses</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneousLoss/index.html">CollisionSimultaneousLoss</a></li>
<li> <a href="CollisionSimultaneous/index.html">CollisionSimultaneous</a></li>
<li> <a href="Collision/index.html">Collision</a></li>
<li> <a href="DiodeInductorModel/index.html">DiodeInductorModel</a></li>
<li> <a href="Friction/index.html">Friction</a></li>
<li> <a href="IntegratorLoopPlot/index.html">IntegratorLoopPlot</a></li>
<li> <a href="LCDModal/index.html">LCDModal</a></li>
<li> <a href="TwoCapacitorsModelWithDelays/index.html">TwoCapacitorsModelWithDelays</a></li>
</div><!-- /#menu -->

Don't forget to make index.html and toc.htm executable

ssh moog chmod a+x /export/home/pt0/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive/doc/papers/y14/constructive/index.html
ssh moog chmod a+x /export/home/pt0/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive/doc/papers/y14/constructive/toc.htm

Signing the jar files

  1. Create the directory on moog. You must have an ssh account on moog and be in the cvs unix group
    ssh moog "mkdir /home/www/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive"
  2. On moog, check that you are in the cvs and the ealgroup Unix groups.
    moog.EECS.Berkeley.EDU:root: %C2> groups cxh
    cxh : cxh webmastr www cvs ptolemy ealgroup
    moog.EECS.Berkeley.EDU:root: %C2>
    This is necessary because the /users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore file in the next step is only readable by the root user and by people in the ealgroup unix group
  3. Copy the keystore to your local machine as /users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore. If you cannot create that directory, then use a different directory and substitute accordingly in the make commands below
    sudo mkdir /users/ptII/adm/certs
    sudo chown yourlocalusername /user/ptII/adm/certs
    scp yourAccountOnMoog@moog:/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore /user/ptII/adm/certs
  4. Get the key to the certificate. Local users, email Christopher for the password. If you have root on moog, see /users/ptII/adm/certs/.certpw. Other users, for details, see
  5. Place the password in a file called ~/.certpw that is readable only by you.
  6. Verify that you can read the password: The make command should all be on one line
    cd $PTII
    make key_list STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat ~/.certpw`" KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore
    You should see something like:
    Keystore type: JKS
    Keystore provider: SUN

    Your keystore contains 1 entry

    Alias name: ptolemy
    Creation date: Jan 13, 2012
    Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
    Certificate chain length: 4
    Owner: CN=University of California at Berkeley, OU=IST-CalNetIdM, O=University of California at Berkeley, STREET="200 California Hall #1500", L=Berkeley, ST=Calif\
    ornia, OID., C=US
    Issuer: CN=InCommon Code Signing CA, OU=InCommon, O=Internet2, C=US
    followed by a bunch of other information.
  7. Run these commands:
    cd $PTII
    rm -rf signed
    make KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYALIAS=ptolemy STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" KEYPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" DIST_BASE=ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive jnlp_dist
    This will populate /export/home/pt0/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive.
  8. On the local machine, do
    cp $PTII/ $HOME/
    and edit $HOME/ to contain the path to the keystore, the passwords and the alias. This file is used by copernicus to create signed jars. We don't use $PTII/ because we don't want the password to appear in the installer as part of the nightly build. For example:
    # $Id: 57286 2010-02-22 17:36:17Z bldmastr $
    # Java properties file used by ptolemy/copernicus/applet/

    keystoreFileName = /users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore
    storePassword = xxxxxx
    keyPassword = xxxxxx
    alias = ptolemy
  9. If you are using Server Side Includes (SSI) on the server, copy the * files:
    cd $PTII/ptolemy/copernicus/applet
    cd $PTII

Exporting one model

  1. If you are logged in remotely, start up an X Server. On Sisyphus, try running Xvfb
    Xvfb :2 &
    export DISPLAY=localhost:2.0
  2. It is easiest to work on one model and get that working and then try all the models. So, clean up any previous work for a model:
    make book_real_clean JNLP_MODEL_DIRECTORY=doc/papers/y14/constructive/models JNLP_MODEL=Friction
  3. To create a JNLP file for one model and upload it: The make command should all be on one line
    make JNLP_MODEL_DIRECTORY=doc/papers/y14/constructive/models JNLP_MODEL=Friction KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYALIAS=ptolemy STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" KEYPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" DIST_BASE=ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive book_dist_update
    1. If you get Caused by: Password verification failed, then the problem is that $PTII/ is incorrect, see above.
    2. If you get sed: doc/papers/y14/constructive/models/Friction.jnlp: No such file or directory, then check that the name of the file and the name of the model in the file are the same.
      1. To update a jar file on the website, use
        (cd ptolemy/vergil; make install)
        cp ptolemy/vergil/vergil.jar signed/ptolemy/vergil/vergil.jar
        make sign_jar JARFILE=signed/ptolemy/vergil/vergil.jar STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $(HOME)/.certpw`" KEYPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $(HOME)/.certpw`"
        scp signed/ptolemy/vergil/vergil.jar moog:/export/home/pt0/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive/signed/ptolemy/vergil/
  4. Check the jnlp file, which will appear as Ignore any messages in the table of contents navigation panel on the left, we are checking that the JNLP, HTML and applet work. To test the JNLP from the command line, use
  5. Repeat the above two make commands until you are satisfied.


It may be easier to work with files on our local machine to debug problems.

Certificate Problems

For certificate problems, be sure that the certificate password works.

JNLP loads, but exits

The JNLP files typically invoked ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JNLPApplication. If the JNLP file downloads and then exits, the problem could be with JNLPApplication. A good test command to try is to run

java -classpath $PTII ptolemy.copernicus.applet.JNLPApplication -ptinyViewer doc/papers/y12/designContracts/DCMotorTol.xml
To update the jar files:
cd $PTII
ant jars
cp ptolemy/vergil/vergilApplet.jar signed/ptolemy/vergil/vergilApplet.jar
make sign_jar JARFILE=signed/ptolemy/vergil/vergilApplet.jar STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat ~/.certpw`" KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYPASSWORD="-keypass `cat ~/.certpw`"
javaws -wait doc/papers/y12/designContracts/DCMotorTol.jnlp

Building jnlp files

These instructions are weak, but might help

In general, for file problems, the signed jar files in $PTII/signed are portable, but the .jnlp file has to be regenerated and signed to include the location of the signed jar files and the .jnlp file itself.

  1. The make ... jnlp_dist file will create the $PTII/signed directory and populate it, or do
    cd $PTII
    rm -rf *.jnlp signed
    make jnlp_all STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat ~/.certpw`" KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYPASSWORD="-keypass `cat ~/.certpw`"
  2. One good test is to try running the ptiny version of vergil via a JNLP file. The $PTII directory contains .jnlp files, to run one, try
    make jnlp_run PTJNLP=vergilPtiny.jnlp
  3. To create a local .jnlp file:
  4. To update a .jar:
    cd $PTII/ptolemy
    rm ptsupport.jar; make ptsupport.jar
    cd $PTII
    cp ptolemy/ptsupport.jar signed/ptolemy
    make sign_jar JARFILE=signed/ptolemy/ptsupport.jar STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat ~/.certpw`" KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYPASSWORD="-keypass `cat ~/.certpw`"

I was working on instructions on building a local .jnlp, but it got complex. Basically ptolemy/copernicus/applet/ needs to be changed from

<jnlp codebase="@ptIILocalURL@"


<!-- jnlp codebase="@ptIILocalURL@"

and then run

make JNLP_MODEL_DIRECTORY=doc/papers/y14/constructive/models JNLP_MODEL=Friction KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYALIAS=ptolemy STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" KEYPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" DIST_BASE=ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive jnlp_file
javaws -wait doc/papers/y14/constructive/models/Friction.jnlp

Cleaning all the models

To clean all the models: (:source) cd doc/papers/y14/constructive/models make jnlps_real_clean (:end:)

Exporting all the models

  1. Once you are satisfied with the first model, create JNLP files for all the models listed in the $(EXAMPLE_MODELS) makefile variable:
    cd $PTII/doc/papers/y14/constructive/models

    make KEYSTORE=/users/ptII/adm/certs/ptkeystore KEYALIAS=ptolemy STOREPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" KEYPASSWORD="-storepass `cat $HOME/.certpw`" DIST_BASE=ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive jnlps

Using a shortened URL

Optional: To use a shortened URL like

  1. Become root on moog
  2. Edit /usr/local/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and find the ptolemy section that starts with
    DocumentRoot "/home/www/ptweb"
    Search for @@jnlp@@ and add a Redirect '''to the ptolemy section''': (:source:)
    Redirect /constructive
    Redirect /constructive/
  3. As root on moog, run
    /etc/init.d/apachectl graceful

Removing unused jar files

To reduce space, it might be worth removing unused jar files.

To find out what jar files are used:

grep -h jar *.jnlp | sort | uniq | sed 's/ *<jar href="//' | sed 's/"//' > /tmp/keep

Updating the index.htm file

If you want to change, then the source code at $PTII/doc/papers/y14/constructive/models/ That file gets copied to /home/www/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive/doc/papers/y14/constructive/models on moog.

To update, you could

  1. Edit $PTII/doc/papers/y14/constructive/models/
  2. scp moog:/tmp
  3. Log on to moog as eal
  4. Become root: sudo -i
  5. cd /home/www/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII10.0/jnlp-constructive/doc/papers/y14/constructive/models
  6. cp .
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Page last modified on February 28, 2014, at 06:06 am