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There are various Java Serial Port Interfaces.


RxTx has been around for a long time. Ptolemy used it many years ago as part of the X11 interface.'s Java Serial Port

  •'s Java Serial Port product
  • licensing - This is a commercial product where they charge developers, but don't charge for deployment. We probably could not include the jar file in our tree and we would need to buy a license for each developer. Mac OS X licenses are $49.95 each, which is not bad.

jSSC (Java Simple Serial Connector)

Device I/O

Jim Connors blog, "Java Serial Communications Revisited"

  • Jim Connors, "Java Serial Communications Revisited," June, 2014. - This is a good summary of the state and mentions the above resources, though it is a bit out of date. Worth a read.


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Page last modified on February 24, 2017, at 08:59 pm