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The nightly build opens about 660 demos, runs many of them and exports them all.

The problem is that we are running out of memory.

See Also


We use jvisualvm to connect to a running Ptolemy process and then view the heap. See Tracking down leaks using JVisualVM

Mac Users: To avoid leaks, you will want to make two edits to your ptolemy/gui/ that are not checked in, see:

Analysis of the nightly build

Here are the scripts used to get the memory stats from the export run in the build

bash-4.1$ cat ~/src/memory

awk '{
       if (start == 1 && $2 ~ /######/) {
           printf("%s %s ", $3, $(NF-1))
       if (start == 1 && $4 ~ /Memory/ && $6 ~ /Free:/) {
           print $0
       if ($0 ~ / ####### 1 /) {
           print "saw start " $0
       if ($0 ~ / ####### 660 /) {
           print ""
bash-4.1$ cat ~/src/plotmemory

awk '{ if ($0 ~ /.xml/) {
    memory = substr($7, 1, length($7)-1) + 0
    free = substr($9, 1, length($9)-1) + 0
    print $1, (memory-free)

Here's how the commands were run

bash-4.1$ ~/src/memory ~/jobs/ptII/builds/301/log >& /tmp/301m
bash-4.1$ ~/src/plotmemory /tmp/301m > /tmp/301.plt
bash-4.1$ $PTII/bin/ptplot /tmp/301.plt

Here's the plot, the x axis is the model number, the y axis is the amount of memory. The red is from build 301, before the leak fixes, the blue is from build 317, after the fixes below. The spikes into negative territory are because the scripts are primitive and fooled by output of some of the runs.

From the above, we can see that memory use in the 301 run (in the red) is increasing over time. The garbage collector helps, but there are leaks.

My first idea was to make sure that opening a new model and closing it was not leaking memory.

Tracking down leaks using JVisualVM

Below are some random notes about tracking down memory leaks using JVisualVM.

The test case was

  1. Invoke $PTII/bin/vergil
  2. File -> New -> Graph Editor
  3. Close the window
  4. Then, in jvisualvm, click on the vergil process
  5. In the Monitor tab, click on Perform GC and the Heap Dump
  6. Click on Classes and then in the Class Name Filter at the bottom, enter ActorGraphFrame and hit return
  7. The number of instances should be 0.

Non-zero number of ActorGraphFrame instances

There are a number of different ways that the ActorGraphFrame might avoid being garbage collected. What's happening is that something has a reference to the object and the garbage collector is not collecting it.

Details are below

Listeners have references to the object

Dealing with memory leak in Kepler covers this. Basically, the dispose() methods need to call methods in


I added the following to BasicGraphFrame.dispose()

         ActionListener[] listeners = _findInLibraryEntryBox.getActionListeners();
         if (listeners != null) {
             int count = listeners.length;
             for (ActionListener listener : listeners) {
                 //System.out.println("BGF.dispose(): _findInLibraryEntryBox: Removing " + listener);


To remove the reference to BasicGraphFrame$MoveToFrontAction, I added the following to BasicGraphFrame.dispose()

            // Free up BasicGraphFrame$MoveToFrontAction.                                  
And added another removeActionListeners to MemoryCleaner.


BasicGraphFrame$HierarchyTreeCellRenderer is an inner class that had a reference to BasicGraphFrame.

To fix this, I added the following to BasicGraphFrame.dispose()

         // Free up BasicGraphFrame$HierarchyTreeCellRenderer.
         _treeView = null;

The _treeView.setUI(null); was the key statement.


MacOSXAdapter and JPopupMenu were appearing in the list of references.

It turns out that we are using some deprecated methods. My temporary workaround was to temporarily comment out Top._macInitializer():

    /** Initialize the menus and key bindings for Mac OS X. */
    private void _macInitializer() {
        // try {                                                                            
        //     // To set the about name, set the                                            
        //     //                          
        //     // property in the main thread, not the event thread.  See                  
        //     //                                                    
        //     MacOSXAdapter.setAboutMethod(this,                                          
        //             getClass().getMethod("about", (Class[]) null));                      
        //     MacOSXAdapter.setQuitMethod(this,                                            
        //             getClass().getMethod("exit", (Class[]) null));                      
        // } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {                                            
        //     report("Mac OS X specific initializations failed.", ex);                    
        // }                                                                                

We should implement a more permanent fix here.

MacOSX CPlatformWindow

Under MacOSX, CPlatformWindow had references that prevented ActorGraphFrame from being GC'd.

To replicate

  1. Get a heap dump as above and search for instances of ActorGraphFrame
  2. In instances pane, right click and select "Show Nearest GC Root"
  3. Then, in the References pane, note that CPlatformWindow has a reference

It turns out that under MacOSX, there are leaks. describes the problem with JDialogs. I adapted that code and added to ptolemy.gui.Top.dispose():

        java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer peer = getPeer();


        if (peer != null) {
            try {
                Class<?> componentPeerClass = Class.forName("sun.lwawt.LWComponentPeer");
                Field target = componentPeerClass.getDeclaredField("target");
                target.set(peer, null);

                Field window = peer.getClass().getDeclaredField("platformWindow");

                Object platformWindow = window.get(peer);
                target = platformWindow.getClass().getDeclaredField("target");
                target.set(platformWindow, null);

            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                if (_debugClosing) {

Unfortunately, the above code is Mac-specific and compiling it produces a warning: warning: ComponentPeer is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
        java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer peer = getPeer();

So, that code is left commented out.

Linux BltSubRegionBufferStrategy

Unfortunately, under Linux, we get a different set of leaks.

If we use jvisualvm under RHEL with Java 1.8.0_51, do the procedure above and then "Show nearest GC Roots", we get

Searching for CurrentFocusCycleRoot leak yielded, which says:

"i've resolved my problem. i found out that the keyboardfocusmanger's "currentfocuscycleroot" property held the rerefence to my jinternalframe after it was closed. so on dispose i made sure to reset that reference by calling: keyboardfocusmanager.getcurrentkeyboardfocusmanager().setglobalcurrentfocuscycleroot(null); this seems to work. at least that's what the memory debugger is telling me. thanks, eitan"

So, I modified

        // I'm not sure exactly why this works but it does!  
        // I think it has to do with the KeyboardFocusManager                                    
        // holding onto the last focused component, so clearing and    
        // cycling seems to free up the reference to this window.            
        KeyboardFocusManager focusManager = KeyboardFocusManager
and added the following to the end:

That seems to have done it.


To replicate:

  1. $PTII/bin/vergil
  2. Open a model, run it and close the window
  3. In jvisualvm, find the vergil process and create a head dump:
    1. Monitor tab
      1. Click on Perform GC
      2. Click on Heap Dump
    2. In the heapdump tab:
      1. Enter Manager in the search window at the bottom.
  4. Note that once instance is present. Right click on the instance and select "Show Nearest GC Root"
  5. Note that the leak is in _readerRecords in Workspace

(Note that this run was done with the contents of Manager._shutdownHooks() commented out, see below.)

The Manager has a thread, which is an inner class.

While in that thread, when we want to plot, we initialize an Effigy. We end up trying to get read access on the directory Entity, that then adds the Manager thread to the Workspace._readerRecords hashmap. Note that this is a different Workspace than the workspace of the model.

The problem is that when we want to set Manager._thread to null, there is no easy way to find all of the Workspaces and then remove the reference from each _readerRecord.

Edward suggested that the thing to do is to change _readerRecord to a WeakHashMap. This solved the problem.

Manager and shutdownHooks

It turns out that the shutdown hook code in Manager leaks.

If we comment out the contents of Manager._registerShutdownHook(), and we have the above change to _readerRecords, then we have no leaks.

To replicate:

  1. $PTII/bin/vergil
  2. Open a model, run it and close the window
  3. In jvisualvm, find the vergil process and create a head dump:
    1. Monitor tab
      1. Click on Perform GC
      2. Click on Heap Dump
    2. In the heapdump tab:
      1. Enter Manager in the search window at the bottom.
  4. Note that once instance is present. Right click on the instance and select "Show Nearest GC Root"
  5. Note that the leak is in ApplicationShutdownHooks:

If we edit Manager, comment out the body of _registerShutdownHook() and rerun the above test, then there are no instances of Manager.

So, what we need to do is remove the shutdown hook when we destroy the manager.

The solution here was to change _registerShutdownHook() so that it sets a private variable to the value of the thread and then passes that value to Runtime.addShutdownHook(). Then when we are setting _thread to null, we also call Runtime.removeShutdownHook().

   /** Register a shutdown hook to gracefully stop the execution of a model
    *  if the JVM is shut down (by control-C, the user logging out, tc.).

     protected void _registerShutdownHook() {
         _shutdownThread =  new Thread() {
                 public void run() {
                     if (_state != IDLE) {
                                 .println("# Manager._registerShutdownHook(): State is "
                                         + _state
                                         + ", which is not IDLE.  Waiting for model to stop.");
                     if (_thread != null && _thread.isAlive()) {
                         try {
                             // This seems dangerous. Could prevent the process
                             // from dying. We use a timeout here of 30 econds.
                         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                             // Failed to stop the hread.
         try {
         } catch ( ex) {
            // This exception gets triggered by
             System.out.println("Warning: failed to add a shutdown hook."
                     + "(Running a model in an applet always causes this)");

     /** Dispose of the thread by removing it from the workspace and
      *  setting it to null.  Also, remove the shutdown thread.

     private void _disposeOfThreads() {
     // FIXME: Should we acquire the read lock on the Workspace and
     // then have a version of doneReading that cleans up?
     // FIXME: Should we check to see if the Manager is idle here?
     _thread = null;

     // FIXME: Should this be synchronized?                                                                                                              
     if (_shutdownThread != null) {
             _shutdownThread = null;
   // The thread that is passed to Runtime.addShutdowHook().
   private Thread _shutdownThread = null;

Edward suggested:

"The solution is that Manager should have a static code body and register exactly one shutdown hook.
"Then Manager._registerShutdownHook should create a static list of weak references to Managers that have been created."
"The one shutdown hook should check if the weak reference is valid and whether the thread is running, and if it is, call finish() and attempt a Thread.join()."

Checking for leaks in ExportModelJUnitTest

The overview is that we run ptjacl within Eclipse using a short version of models.txt. Eclipse is set up to break on exit so that we can then use jvisualvm to check for leaks.

The reason we use ptjacl is because it is not opening up Vergil so we don't end up debugging vergil, instead we are closer to debugging how ant runs things. An alternative would be to invoke ant from within Eclipse and debug that. With ptjacl, we need to use the debugger so that we can break on exit() because JUnit invokes exit()


  1. Edit $PTII/ptolemy/configs/doc/models.txt and remove most of the models. A good number of models to run is roughly 8. Later, to get this file back, remove it and do a svn update on it.
  2. In Eclipse, create a debug configuration that will invoke tcl.lang.Shell
  3. In Eclipse, search for System in the JRE and then set a break point at the start of the exit() method. We need to do this because JUnit calls exit(). There is probably a way around this, but this works.
  4. Start up the debugging session and enter:
    set cmdArgs [java::new {java.lang.String[]} 1 {ptolemy.vergil.basic.export.test.junit.ExportModelJUnitTest}]
    java::call org.junit.runner.JUnitCore main $cmdArgs
    What the above does is create an array of Strings and then passes it to the main(String[]) method of JUnitCore
  5. The models will be opened and export
  6. When the models are done, use jvisualvm to look for the largest items on the heap.

Below is the sample run of 8 models

  • Double clicking on the Plot instance and then right clicking and selecting "Show Nearest GC Root" indicates that the defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler is involved:

The solution to this was modify MessageHandler so that _statusHandler is a WeakReference:

bash-3.2$ svn diff ptolemy/util/
Index: ptolemy/util/
--- ptolemy/util/    (revision 73269)
+++ ptolemy/util/    (working copy)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
 import java.util.Locale;

@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@
      *  @see #status(String)
     public static void setStatusHandler(StatusHandler handler) {
-        _statusHandler = handler;
+        _statusHandler = new WeakReference<StatusHandler>(handler);

     /** Return a short description of the throwable.
@@ -218,8 +219,8 @@
      *  @see #message(String)
     public static void status(String message) {
-        if (_statusHandler != null) {
-            _statusHandler.status(message);
+        if (_statusHandler != null && _statusHandler.get() != null) {
+            _statusHandler.get().status(message);
         } else {
@@ -477,5 +478,5 @@
     private static MessageHandler _handler = new MessageHandler();

     /** The status handlers, if any. */
-    private static StatusHandler _statusHandler;
+    private static transient WeakReference<StatusHandler> _statusHandler;
  • It also looks like we are leaking Configuration objects, there is one per model. Below is the output of "Show Nearest GC Root":

Calling _controller.setConfiguration(null); in ActorGraphFrame.dispose() helped, but then _configurations in was holding a reference.

The fix for that is in ConfigurationApplication.closeModelWithoutSavingOrExiting

            // Avoid a leaking Configuration.                                                
            Configuration configuration = (Configuration) Configuration
  • If we look at the 40 largest objects, we see that SCRModel is also present?

Another thing is to add -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError to the command line so that we dump the heap when we run out of memory. To do this, I edited $PTII/

      <jvmarg value="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"/>
      <jvmarg value="-XX:HeapDumpPath=${env.HOME}/ptII.test.longest.hprof"/>

Manager again: _treeViewModel

After a few weeks, opening vergil, running the Noise model and closing the Noise model showed a leak again:

_treeViewModel seems to be the culprit.

Here, the fix was to add the following to BasicGraphFrame.dispose():

            _treeViewModel = null;

_container in CompositeActor

One of the changes above was to have CompsiteActor._setContainer() call

        if (container == null) {

However, this means that running the Zigbee demo throws a NPE because the container is null:

bash-3.2$ java -classpath $PTII ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication ptolemy/domains/\
896 ms. Memory: 449024K Free: 240244K (54%)
UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: Execution failed
java.lang.RuntimeException: Execution failed
        at ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication$\
Caused by: ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException: The container of the manager was null\
. Try calling composite.setManager().
  in .MoMLSimpleApplication
The container of the manager .MoMLSimpleApplication was null. Try calling composite.setManag\
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: The container of the manager .MoMLSimpleApplicati\
on was null. Try calling composite.setManager().
        ... 2 more
Command failed: ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException: The container of the manager was\
 null. Try calling composite.setManager().
  in .MoMLSimpleApplication
The container of the manager .MoMLSimpleApplication was null. Try calling composite.setManag\
ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException: The container of the manager was null. Try calli\
ng composite.setManager().
  in .MoMLSimpleApplication
The container of the manager .MoMLSimpleApplication was null. Try calling composite.setManag\
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: The container of the manager .MoMLSimpleApplicati\
on was null. Try calling composite.setManager().
        ... 2 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: The container of the manager .MoMLSimpleApplicati\
on was null. Try calling composite.setManager().

If we place a breakpoint, then what is happening is that MoMLParser.parse() is failing to handle the LinkApplication and setContainer(null) is being called:

        try {
            // We allocate a new XmlParser each time so as to avoid leaks.
            _xmlParser = new XmlParser();
            if (base == null) {
                _xmlParser.parse(systemID, null, buffered);
            } else {
                // If we have tmp.moml and tmp/tmp2.moml and tmp.moml
                // contains     <entity name="tmp2" class="tmp.tmp2">
                // then we want to be sure that we set _xmlFile properly
                // NOTE: I'm not sure if it is necessary to check to
                // see if _xmlFile is null before hand, but it seems
                // like it is safer to check before resetting it to null.
                boolean xmlFileWasNull = false;

                if (_xmlFile == null) {
                    xmlFileWasNull = true;
                    _setXmlFile(new URL(base.toExternalForm()));

                try {
                    _xmlParser.parse(base.toExternalForm(), null, buffered);
                } finally {
                    if (xmlFileWasNull) {
        } catch (CancelException ex) {
            // Parse operation cancelled.
            return null;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // If you change this code, try running
            // ptolemy.moml.test.MoMLParserLeak with the heap profiler
            // and look for leaks.
            if (_toplevel != null && _toplevel instanceof ComponentEntity) {
                try {
                    ((ComponentEntity) _toplevel).setContainer(null);
                } catch (Throwable throwable2) {
                    // Ignore.  setContainer(null) might throw an exception
                    // if there are deferrables, but we don't want to hide
                    // the original exception.
                    // This problem comes up with tests in
                    // actor/gui/test/UserActorLibrary.tcl.
                // Since the container is probably already null, then
                // the setContainer(null) call probably did not do anything.
                // so, we remove the object from the workspace so it
                // can get gc'd.
                // FIXME: perhaps we should do more of what
                // ComponentEntity.setContainer() does and remove the ports?
                try {
                } finally {
                _toplevel = null;

The xml that is causing the error is <deleteProperty name="_senderDestLine"/>.

In theory, we could fix that XML, but as this would happen elsewhere, so a fix is needed



When a model is cloned, some NamedObjs in the new model have hierarchy listeners from the original model, which prevents the new model from being garbage collected.
In the usecase I'm debugging, the toplevel Composites in both the original and new models are added as hierarchy listeners to PortParameters, but only the toplevel in the new model should be added. The original toplevel is added since clone() and setContainer() are called for the PortParameter before its container actor has been moved to the new toplevel.
I don't know the best approach to fix this. Making the listeners weak references would fix the memory leaks, but wrong listeners would still receive hierarchy change events.
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace;

public class leak {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        leak l = new leak();


    public void go() {

        try {
            CompositeActor master = new CompositeActor();
            Ramp ramp = new Ramp(master, "ramp");

            for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                master.clone(new Workspace());


        } catch(Throwable t) {
            System.err.println("caught: " + t);
I'm attaching a program that illustrates the leak. It creates a simple model containing Ramp, clones the model 100 times, then sleeps. A reference is kept to the original model, but not the clones, so they should be gc'd.
Once the program sleeps, you should see 101 Ramp instances in the heap: one in the original model and one for each clone. According to jvisualvm, the nearest gc root for all the Ramp instances is _hierarchyListeners in the same CompositeActor instance (the original model).

Below is the output of JVisualVM

NamedObj defines _hierarchyListeners

    /** Add a hierarchy listener. If the listener is already          
     *  added, do nothing. This will cause the object to also        
     *  be added as a hierarchy listener in the container of          
     *  this object, if there is one, and in its container,          
     *  up to the top of the hierarchy.                              
     *  @param listener The listener to add.                          
     *  @see #removeHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener)              

    public void addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener listener) {
        if (_hierarchyListeners == null) {
            _hierarchyListeners = new HashSet<HierarchyListener>();

        // Add to the container.                                      
        NamedObj container = getContainer();
        if (container != null) {

public Object clone(Workspace workspace) throws CloneNotSupported\
Exception {
           newObject._hierarchyListeners = null;


    /** Remove a hierarchy listener. If the listener is already      
     *  removed, do nothing. This will cause the object to also      
     *  be removed as a hierarchy listener in the container of        
     *  this object, if there is one, and in its container,          
     *  up to the top of the hierarchy.                              
     *  @param listener The listener to remove.                      
     *  @see #addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener)                

    public void removeHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener listener) {
        if (_hierarchyListeners != null) {

            // Remove from the container.                            
            NamedObj container = getContainer();
            if (container != null) {


    /** If any hierarchy listeners are registered, notify them        
     *  that a change has occurred in the hierarchy.                  
     *  @exception IllegalActionException If the change to the        
     *   hierarchy is not acceptable to the listener.                
     *  @see #addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener)                
     *  @see HierarchyListener                                        

    protected void _notifyHierarchyListenersAfterChange()
            throws IllegalActionException {
        if (_hierarchyListeners != null) {
            // The hierarchy has changed. Add all hierarchy listeners
            // up the new hierarchy. This should be done before notif\
            // because notification may result in exceptions.        
            NamedObj container = getContainer();
            if (container != null) {
                for (HierarchyListener listener : _hierarchyListeners\
) {

            for (HierarchyListener listener : _hierarchyListeners) {

    /** If any hierarchy listeners are registered, notify them            
     *  that a change is about to occur in the hierarchy.                  
     *  @exception IllegalActionException If changing the                  
     *   hierarchy is not acceptable to the listener.                      
     *  @see #addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener)                      
     *  @see HierarchyListener                                            

    protected void _notifyHierarchyListenersBeforeChange()
            throws IllegalActionException {
        if (_hierarchyListeners != null) {
            for (HierarchyListener listener : _hierarchyListeners) {
            // If changing the hierarchy is acceptable to all listeners,  
            // then we get to here. At this point, we should remove all    
            // listeners from containers above us in the hierarchy, to    
            // re-add them after the change in the hierarchy is complete.  
            NamedObj container = getContainer();
            if (container != null) {
                for (HierarchyListener listener : _hierarchyListeners) {
    /** List of hierarchy listeners, if any. */
    private Set<HierarchyListener> _hierarchyListeners;

It seems like when we clone, it is not sufficient to set _hierarchyListeners to null in NamedObj, we also need to look at the container and remove the listeners. setContainer() should do this for us.

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