HPCS-SMP Organized Workshops
Each workshop organized by HPCS-SMP will consist of four sessions, one morning/afternoon per session. The workshops will be tailored to the specific domain science, but overall will consist of the following:
Session 1 - Creation of a common understanding: Domain experts present their computational challenges, and discuss what they see as the current/future opportunities for science simulations “at scale.”
- Keynote presentation on the landscape of science challenges for the next 10 years in the topic application area
- Domain experts discuss specific scientific challenges, current state of simulation, current state of simulation codes and their maintenance, simulation components and limiting factors (including models, algorithms, software, scale of computation, validation, data, maintainability, personnel’s skills and funding).
Session 2 - Creation of a common understanding: HPCS-SMP team presents a compilation of material from Session 1, structured into categories of challenges and opportunities.
- Presentation focusing on Math/CS aspects, including new computing platforms and execution models, new programming models, new algorithm trade-offs, potential approaches for application maintenance.
- Review of challenges, categories and opportunities from Session 1 in the context of HPCS-SMP.
Session 3 - Deep-dive on opportunities: Participants (domain experts and Math/CS experts) engage in an interactive dialogue to identify specific research and investment opportunities.
- In depth discussion on challenges, categories, opportunities, key scientific and CS trends, simulation codes maintenance strategies.
Session 4 - Prioritization and wrap-up: Identification of the technical priorities to support grand challenge science objectives and their implications at scale.
- Participants revisit opportunities identified in Session 3
- Classification of opportunities (e.g. impact vs. investment) in quadrants
- Discussion of dependencies between opportunities, prioritization and preliminary review of workshop output