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SecureCompositionOfAccessorsThis page documents the research on how to analyze a composition of accessors and actors with respect to their security and tools that can help the designer to make a given composition more secure. The goal of our effort is to put together a security toolkit for compositions of accessors, i.e., swarmlets. We need to discuss what methods and techniques go in this toolkit. AccessorAuthenticationTaint analysisSo far we've looked at performing Taint Analysis for a composition. This is illustrated in our poster from the Security and Privacy workshop. Sand BoxingSee Sandbox. Sanitizers/EndorsersWe are researching a way to use sanitizers/endorsers in a given composition of accessors and actors (i.e., a swarmlet). Open questions:
Secure Accessor CommunicationKey management Model validation (optional)ReferencesMicrosoft Research
Sanjit's papers on sanitization
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