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It would be helpful to run Composite Accessors in a sandbox to prevent malicious code from being executed.


See Security -> Attacks.


Below is a list of the hosts and the status of their sand boxes:

Browser Host


  • Sandboxed
  • Even with sandboxing, susceptible to general JavaScript attacks

The Browser Host already runs in a sandbox, though there are plenty of JavaScript attacks like Cross-site request forgery etc.

Part of the Life Cycle Management effort is to get Composite Accessor life cycle management to work in the Browser Host.

Cape Code Host & Nashorn Host


The Cape Code Host uses Java, and Java can be run in a sandbox that can be configured to only allow access to certain resources.

Cape Code runs each Composite Accessor in its own JavaScript engine. This makes it easier to kill a non-cooperative composite accessor, in principle, and provides more rigorous isolation between accessors. But it may be a resource hog.

Running Nashorn from jar files represents a special challenge because we need to be able to look in the classpath for resources, yet we want to be careful about exposing other data. For example, if a user can invoke Class.getResource(), and $PTII is in the path, then they could read any file in $PTII. The Nashorn host restricts access to certain prefixes, but this should be reviewed.

Duktape Host


The Duktape Host is written in C and supports a subset of JavaScript. The Node module system is not used, though require() will read files on the local machine

Node Host


  • Very difficult to sandbox because things like the Node fs module are present
  • Even with sandboxing, susceptible to heneral JavaScript attacks

The Node Host does have a vm module: "APIs for compiling and running code within V8 Virtual Machine contexts."

One possibility would be to run the Node process in a chroot jail. Running chroot requires root access.

Sandboxing JavaScript

Infinite Loop

See Also

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Page last modified on February 01, 2017, at 06:21 pm