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As part of RTSS'17 in Paris December 5-8, Edward A. Lee and Christopher Brooks presented a tutorial about CapeCode on Tuesday, December 5 at Tutor2017, located at The ECE school, 10 rue Michel Sextius, 75015 Paris.

CapeCode is a design tool for Internet of Things (IoT) applications that combines graphical block diagrams with simple scripts written in JavaScript. Attendees will learn to wire together existing blocks from a library and to create their own scripted blocks to orchestrate the use of IoT devices. The guiding exercise will be an augmented reality application where a laptop camera can visually recognize IoT devices in the room (or mockups of said, which we will provide) and interact with those devices over a network. Prior experience with JavaScript helpful but not essential.

The CapeCode portion of the Program was:

  • 14:45 – 15:30 "CapeCode: an IoT modeling environment based on Ptolemy II," Edward A. Lee, UC Berkeley
  • 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:00 – 17:30 – Tools demonstrated: UPPAAL and CapeCode Hands-on session 2

Workshop documentation:

To follow the tutorial, please install CapeCode using Subversion (svn), see Ptolemy II/CapeCode. The reason to install using Subversion is so that you can get recent changes. Once you have installed Ptolemy II, you can access the tutorial documents and solutions to the exercise with the following command:

$PTII/bin/capecode $PTII/ptolemy/demo/CapeCode/CapeCode.xml

If you are unable to install Ptolemy II using Subversion, then please try one of the the installers on the Ptolemy II/CapeCode page. If you have questions or problems with the installers, please email Christopher Brooks.

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Page last modified on December 12, 2017, at 03:37 pm