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This page documents how to update a zumy's ROS code.

Development is best done on a separate computer (the base control computer), not on the zumy itself.

Once changes to the ROS code have been made, you made need to catkin_make the zumy_workspace.

Then, code can be loaded wirelessly:

 Load ros code ./ zumyXY
  • make sure to call the load_ros commands from the zumy_support folder

The zumy code repository has a file structure something like the following:

  • board
    • Folder with all the PCB design files
    • A script that rsyncs over the zumy_odroid folder to the zumy
  • zumy_mbed
    • Embedded code for the mbed microcontroller
  • zumy_odroid
    • A perfect representation of the zumy's /home/zumy directory
    • Contents:
      • .bashrc
      • (script that brings up the zumy's networking)
      • zumy_workspace (The ROS workspace)
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Page last modified on August 25, 2016, at 08:51 am