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These are the instructions to update an mbed LPC1768 with a precompiled binary image.

  1. Plug mbed into Linux, Mac, or Windows computer with provided USB Mini-B cable
  2. The mbed should show up on the computer as a standard USB drive
  3. Drag the image linked above to the mbed USB drive folder
  4. Wait until the status light stops blinking rapidly
  5. Press the reset button on the mbed. For a non-IMU binary, the second blue light should start blinking at ~1Hz. For an IMU binary, the first two lights should be on solid, and the third light may or may not be blinking. It should be blinking when a ROS node is running on the Zumy reading from the mbed.

Stable Images

Basic RPC

This only implements RPC for basic analog and digital input/output

Zumy RPC - for EE 106 Zumy Repo.

This has closed-loop velocity control (@ 50 Hz) on the embedded platform and a host of other embedded improvements, with communication over RPC. Can achieve about 15 Hz sensor reading, faster if less data is requested by the odroid

Note: This code is developed using an offline mbed compiler. Use these instructions to set it up on a

Zumy RPC -old

This is the default functionality for Zumy with IMU and encoders, with communication over RPC. This can achieve about 20Hz sensor reading.

Packet based

Image with packet-based communication at 100Hz.


Packet based with active marker and laser galvo control.

Deprecated Images

Image with RPC and basic IMU functionality

Image with encoders (really under development. Use with caution, dude!)

Image with RPCFunction and Watchdog Timer

Image with RPCFunction at 70Hz

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Page last modified on May 17, 2017, at 10:07 pm