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Tutorial of powering a Zumy and battery charging

Powering a Zumy

  • Powering with battery

At the bottom of Zumy, there is a power cable with red female plug. The battery should be connected to this plug to power Zumy as picture below shows.

At the back of Zumy, there is a power switch on the carried board as the picture below shows. After the cable is connected, push the switch to the right to turn on Zumy.

  • Powering with power supply

Power supply is connected to the same cable at the bottom of Zumy. To power Zumy, the input voltage from power supply should be in range of 6-12V. The picture below shows Zumy is connected to power supply with a 12V input.

Battery charging

  • Charger settings

Turnigy Accucel-6 LiPo charger and nano-tech battery are used in Zumy project, and the picture below shows the interface of the charger and settings for charging the battery. To charge the battery, battery type, which is shown on the left side of the first line on the LCD screen, needs to be set to "LiPo". Charge current, shown on the left of the second line, is set to 0.9A. Charge voltage, shown on the right of the second line, is set to 7.4V.

  • Battery connection

There are two cables on the battery need to be connected. The cable with red plug should be connected to the output of the charger, which is a cable with a red female plug.

The cable with white plug should be connected to the plug on the right side of the charger. As the below picture shows, the right female plug is the first one of the first column.

  • Start charging

After both cables are plugged in, press Start/Enter key, which is the fourth button from left to right under the LCD screen, for more than 3 seconds to start the process.

The screen shows the number of cells from detected by the charger and selected by the user. The second line switches between "Confirm" and "Cancel". Press Start/Enter key to continue.

When the battery is charging, the first line of screen shows number of cells, and current voltage and current of the battery.

  • Finish charging

When the battery is charged, it will produce a sound lasts for around 3 seconds, and on the left side of the first line, it shows between "FULL" and "Li2S" alternatively.

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Page last modified on August 14, 2015, at 11:03 pm