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Tutorial for using Zumy status monitor.

This monitor will be launched when man_joy_override is launched by

 roslaunch man_joy_override zumy.launch
  • Topic Monitor

On the top of left column, there is Topic Monitor plugin. To view robots connected to host computer, simply check the box next to topic "/online_detector/alive_robots", it shows all the robots have been connected to host in the next line. To check out the lost robots, similarly check the box next to topic "/online_detector/lost_robots"

  • Robot Steering

On the right column, there is Robot Steering plugin. To move a Zumy, for example, type /odroid3/cmd_vel in the blank, and move the bars under to drive a Zumy with host name "odroid3"

  • Image View

On the bottom of the left column, there is Image View plugin, which can be used to watch to images capture from camera.

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Page last modified on August 19, 2015, at 06:06 pm