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This image is tested with VMWare

  • Download the compressed image from the server. (user: zumy_user, pass: SCfIGPjw0A)
  • Unzip the compressed image.
  • Double click the OVA file, and the wizard page will pop up.
  • Follow the wizard page. When it is finished, the program will automatically boot the virtual machine.
  • To quit the virtual machine, shut down Ubuntu, or click "Virtual Machine" on task bar, and choose "Shut Down".
  • To start a virtual machine, when VMWare is opened, choose file "zumy-ee106a", and double click.


  1. Install Virtual Box 5.0 and Extension Pack.
  2. Install dmks on host if using Ubuntu with apt-get.
  3. Download Ubuntu 14.04.3 ISO.
  4. Create new Ubuntu 64 bit VM with 4G RAM and 16G disk space and install Ubuntu to is using above ISO.
  5. Follow instructions for installing Guest Additions on VM. Make sure you start at section and update, upgrade, install dmks, and restart before installing Guest Additions.
  6. Install ROS Indigo on VM.
  7. Install vrep PRO EDU V3.2.3 to /opt/vrep.
  8. Create and initialize ROS workspace in /home/humanoid/sim_ws.
  9. Follow vrep ROS tutorial. Suggest symbolic linking generated and rosBubbleRob executable files to vrep directory rather than copy paste.
  10. At this point controlTypeExamples.ttt should run.
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Page last modified on December 15, 2015, at 07:06 pm