This image is tested with VMWare
- Download the compressed image from the server. (user: zumy_user, pass: SCfIGPjw0A)
- Unzip the compressed image.
- Double click the OVA file, and the wizard page will pop up.
- Follow the wizard page. When it is finished, the program will automatically boot the virtual machine.
- To quit the virtual machine, shut down Ubuntu, or click "Virtual Machine" on task bar, and choose "Shut Down".
- To start a virtual machine, when VMWare is opened, choose file "zumy-ee106a", and double click.
- Install Virtual Box 5.0 and Extension Pack.
- Install dmks on host if using Ubuntu with apt-get.
- Download Ubuntu 14.04.3 ISO.
- Create new Ubuntu 64 bit VM with 4G RAM and 16G disk space and install Ubuntu to is using above ISO.
- Follow instructions for installing Guest Additions on VM. Make sure you start at section and update, upgrade, install dmks, and restart before installing Guest Additions.
- Install ROS Indigo on VM.
- Install vrep PRO EDU V3.2.3 to /opt/vrep.
- Create and initialize ROS workspace in /home/humanoid/sim_ws.
- Follow vrep ROS tutorial. Suggest symbolic linking generated and rosBubbleRob executable files to vrep directory rather than copy paste.
- At this point controlTypeExamples.ttt should run.