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(redirected from UseCases.WatchHueGDP)

The GDP is no longer supported by the Accessors Framework. This page exists as a historical reference.

This is a use case? of accessors. See:


  1. The user is wearing a Motorola Watch
  2. The user raises their hand and a Hue lightbulb goes on
  3. A message is sent to the GDP
  4. When the user lowers their hand, the light goes off and a message is sent to the GDP
  5. The user creates a model in the Cape Code Host and tests it
  6. The user then deploys the model to the SwarmBox, where it starts up and uses the Node Host.
  7. The user turns off their laptop and the model continues to run


The interesting thing about this demo is not the trivial thing it does, but that it uses two Composite Accessors and Deployment.


  1. The accessor that is created is not run in a Sandbox
  2. The Cape Code Host uses ssh authentication to transfer the accessor to the SwarmBox.

See Also

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Page last modified on January 02, 2018, at 03:12 am