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Writing your first accessor using Ptolemy II has a number of different steps.

Install Ptolemy II

See Ptolemy II for how to install Ptolemy II from the svn devel tree. Ptolemy II 10.0 is not up to date, use the svn devel tree instead.

The TerraSwarm Accessors repository

The accessors are online at

If Ptolemy II is built from the Ptolemy II svn repository, then a copy of is checked out in $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web and when you reload an accessor, the local copy is used. The reason this is done is so as to make it easier to develop accessors that will be eventually added to the website.

If you check out the ptII svn repository via anonymous, read-only access, then the copy of will be checked out anonymously.

If you check out the ptII svn repository via read/write access, then the copy of the will be checked out read-write if you have read/write access to that repo.

The copy of is checked out when ./configure is run, when a model that contains an accessor is loaded or when an accessor is reloaded.

So, to get started, either run:

cd $PTII
Or open a model that has accessors, such as
$PTII/bin/vergil org/terraswarm/accessor/demo/StockTick/StockTick.xml

This will create or update $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web:

bash-3.2$ ls $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web
Accessor_1.dtd          cameras                 jsdoc                   svn.html               copyright.txt           localization            updateIndex
audio                   demo                    net                     utilities
basicFunctions.js       devices                 obsolete                vendors
basicFunctionsPtDoc.xml doc                     renderHTML.xsl          wiki
browserHost.js          image                   robotics
browserHostPtDoc.xml    index.html              services
build.xml               index.json              signals
The precise contents of the directory may change, but the key thing to note is that there is an index.json file and there are subdirectories.

When to create an Accessor

Accessors are to encapsulate non-trivial bits of functionality that are suitable for reuse. The same holds for modules, but a module may be host-dependent, whereas an accessor may not. For simple functionality (such as a ramp) just use JavaScript. Note that the Cape Code Host can have both JSAccessor actors (which are wrappers for accessors) and JavaScript actors, which can be used for simple functionality.

Overview of Accessors

If you are not yet familiar with Accessors, see Getting Started. In particular, see Publications And Presentations

The quotes below are from the web page:

  • "Accessors are defined in a JavaScript file that includes a specification of the interface (inputs, outputs, and parameters)" The Accessor files below are provided to us.
  • "Any JavaScript file that conforms with the accessor specification defines an accessor class."
    • We will create a composite Accessor that instantiates the WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer accessors. See Composite Accessor below.
  • "The TerraSwarm accessor library provides a collection of example accessors. This library is maintained via an SVN repository that permits many contributors to add accessors to the library. "
    • We are going to create Node.js module files that are invoked by the pre-existing Accessor declarations.

The good news is that:

  • The Cape Code Host has definitions for webSocketClient and webSocketServer modules that we can use as a template for the Node Host definitions for those modules.
  • WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer Accessor declarations were designed with the ws Node.js interface.

The less good news is that modules names in the Java-based Cape Code Host and the Node-based Node Host differ:

  • In Cape Code, Java package names cannot have hyphens, so module names like web-socket-client are converted to webSocketClient.
  • In the Node Package Manager (npm), package names cannot have upper case letters. We follow the npm-standard because Node is our target audience.

Another minor issue is that Java does not support @ signs in package names

  • In Cape Code, the @accessor-modules npm scope is converted to modules and these modules may be found in $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/.

The Big Picture

  • We have Accessor declaration files in the accessors svn repo
  • We have the Cape Code Host module files that implement the necessary modules for use by the Cape Code Host in Ptolemy II.
  • We will create module definition files that implement the necessary modules for use by the Node Host.
  • We will create a Composite Accessor that instantiates the WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer Accessors.

Files to Modify

We are adding files that define the Node.js module implementation for web-socket-client and web-socket-server.

  1. Get write access to the accessors svn repo
  2. We are implementing modules that will be used by the Accessor declaration, so the directories and files we create are slightly different than the Accessor declarations. When in doubt, take a look at the Cape Code Host and $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules.
    1. Focusing first on the WebSocketClient, the Accessor declaration file at accessors/web/net/WebSocketClient.js contains:
      var WebSocket = require('@accessors-modules/web-socket-client');
      so the module we are creating is web-socket-client.
    2. As documented in Node.js modules the require() function searches for modules in a particular order. For the Node Accessor host, we currently run node.js in accessors/web/hosts/node/, which means that require() searches in the node_modules/ directory.
      1. More specifically, if node.js is run in accessors/web/node/ and require('@accessors-modules/web-socket-client') is invoked, then accessors/web/node/node_modules/@accessors-modules/web-socket-client/package.json is searched for. (''Note that other files such as index.js etc. are searched for after package.json is searched for. See Node.js modules. So, we will create these two files:
      2. accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/@accessors-modules/web-socket-client/package.json
      3. accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/@accessors-modules/web-socket-client/web-socket-client.js
  3. Since there already is a CapeCode module, we can copy it over and modify it:
    cd accessors/web/hosts/node/
    mkdir node_modules/@accessors-web/web-socket-client
    cp $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/webSocketClient/package.json node_modules/@accessors-web/web-socket-client
    cp $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/webSocketClient/webSocketClient.js node_modules/@accessors-web/web-socket-client
  4. Do something similar for the webSocketServer module:
    mkdir node_modules/@accessors-web/web-socket-server
    cp $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/webSocketServer/package.json node_modules/@accessors-web/web-socket-server/
    cp $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/webSocketServer/webSocketServer.js node_modules/@accessors-web/web-socket-server/

Future work:

  • Create a template module file
  • Create a script that given a module name, creates the module file.

File Modifications

Make the following edits to accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/@accessors-modules/web-socket-client/package.json:

  1. Add yourself as an author:
      "contributors": [
        {"name" : "Christopher Brooks"
        , "email" : ""},

Make the following edits to accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/@accessors-modules/web-socket-client/web-socket-client.js:

  1. Update the @author tag to reflect your authorship. If you are copying the file, give credit to the source file authors
     * @author Christopher Brooks, based on Cape Code webSocketClient.js by Hokeun Kim and Edward A. Lee
  2. The source file was a Nashorn file, which is used to access Java classes, so these two lines get removed:
    var WebSocketHelper = Java.type('');
    var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;

FIXME: we need to deal with the EventEmitter

Adding the ws module

We will be using the ws Node.js interface, so we need to add update accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/webSocketClient/webSocketClient.js. suggests using:

var WebSocket = require('ws');

While in the accessors/web/hosts/node directory, install the ws module:

npm install ws

This should create accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/ws and other directories.

We will check the modules in to the svn repo after everything is working.


In the Cape Code Host, the webSocketClient.js file has this method:

//// supportedReceiveTypes                                                                            

/** Return an array of the types supported by the current host for                                    
 *  receiveType arguments.                                                                            

exports.supportedReceiveTypes = function () {
    return WebSocketHelper.supportedReceiveTypes();

The above Cape Code Host code will not work for us because it uses the Nashorn Java var WebSocketHelper. Instead, we will create a method that returns an array. To get values returned by the Cape Code supportedReceiveTypes() method, create a small .java file, compile it and run it:

bash-3.2$ bash-3.2$ cat
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Test {
    public static void main (String args []) {
bash-3.2$ javac -classpath $PTII:.
bash-3.2$ $PTII/bin/ptinvoke Test
[application/json, text/plain, JPG, jpg, bmp, BMP, gif, GIF, WBMP, png, PNG, jpeg, wbmp, JPEG]

Thus, method in the Node Host file accessors/web/hosts/node/node_modules/webSocketClient/webSocketClient.js should look like:

//// supportedReceiveTypes                                                                            

/** Return an array of the types supported by the current host for                                    
 *  receiveType arguments.                                                                            

exports.supportedReceiveTypes = function () {
    // These values are based on what Cape Code returns in                                            
    // Not sure about the validity of 'JPG' and subsequent args.                                      
    return ['application/json', 'text/plain',
            'JPG', 'jpg', 'bmp', 'BMP', 'gif', 'GIF', 'WBMP', 'png', 'PNG', 'jpeg', 'wbmp', 'JPEG'];


If we update to print the value returned by the Cape Code Host implementation of supportedSendTypes(), then we will see that it has the same value, so the method in the Node Host file is very similar:

//// supportedSendTypes                                                                                            

/** Return an array of the types supported by the current host for                                                  
 *  sendType arguments.                                                                                            

exports.supportedSendTypes = function () {
    // These values are based on what Cape Code returns in                                                          
    // FIXME: Not sure about the validity of 'JPG' and subsequent args.                                            
    return ['application/json', 'text/plain',
            'JPG', 'jpg', 'bmp', 'BMP', 'gif', 'GIF', 'WBMP', 'png', 'PNG', 'jpeg', 'wbmp', 'JPEG'];


It is good to sanity check our work by parsing the file. Jumping past the Client constructor, there is a line that needs to be commented out so that the Node Host can parse this file.

The Cape Code Host includes the following line after the Client constructor:

util.inherits(exports.Client, EventEmitter);

However, because we have no util module in the Node Host, when we invoke node on our file, we get an error:

bash-3.2$ node webSocketClient/webSocketClient.js
util.inherits(exports.Client, EventEmitter);

ReferenceError: util is not defined
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/cxh/ptII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/{Main.HowToCreateANodeModule$HOSTS_NODE}/webSocketClient/webSocketClient.js:175:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:413:34)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:357:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:314:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:447:10)
    at startup (node.js:141:18)
    at node.js:933:3

FIXME: Not sure what to do here. Do we define a util module and an inherits() function?


  var util = require('util');

In the short term, we comment it out

// FIXME: Not sure what to do with util.inherits.                                          
// See {Main.HowToCreateANodeModule$ACCESSORS_HOME}/wiki/Main/HowToCreateANodeAccessor#utilInherits  
//util.inherits(exports.Client, EventEmitter);  

Does it parse?

As a quick test, we run node on the module file to see if it parses:

bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ node node_modules/webSocketClient/webSocketClient.js

The above was successful, there were no parse errors.

Composite Accessor test

Next up, we create a composite Accessor that contains a WebSocketClient and try to run it.

  1. Create accessors/web/hosts/node/test/testWebSocketClient.js that instantiates our composite:
    var nodeHost = require('./nodeHost.js);                                                    
    var a = this.instantiate('
    TestWebSocketClient', 'net/test/TestWebSocketClient');
  2. Create accessors/web/net/test/TestWebSocketClient.js, which defines the composite:
    exports.setup = function() {
        var client = this.instantiate('WebSocketClient', 'net/WebSocketClient');
  3. Invoke the Node host on testWebSocketClient.js:
    bash-3.2$ pwd
    bash-3.2$ node nodeHostInvoke -timeout 1000 net/test/testWebSocketClient.js
    Reading accessor at: /Users/cxh/ptII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/net/test/testWebSocketClient.js
    Reading accessor at: /Users/cxh/ptII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/net/WebSocketClient.js
    Instantiated accessor testWebSocketClient.js with class net/test/testWebSocketClient.js

Success! We can instantiate a WebSocket accessor using our module. However, it does not actually do anything.

Client constructor.

Next up in the Cape Code implementation is the declaration of a Client constructor:

//// Client                                                                                

/** Construct an instance of a socket client that can send or receive messages            
 *  to a server at the specified host and port.                                            
 *  The returned object subclasses EventEmitter.                                          
 *  You can register handlers for events 'open', 'message', 'close', or 'error'.          
 *  The event 'open' will be emitted when the socket has been successfully opened.        
 *  The event 'message' will be emitted with the body of the message as an                
 *  argument when an incoming message arrives on the socket.                              
 *  You can invoke the send() function to send data to the server.                        
 *  The type of data sent and received can be specified with the 'sendType'                
 *  and 'receiveType' options.                                                            
 *  In principle, any MIME type can be specified, but the host may support only            
 *  a subset of MIME types.  The client and the server have to agree on the type,          
 *  or the data will not get through correctly.                                            
 *  The default type for both sending and receiving                                        
 *  is 'application/json'. The types supported by this implementation                      
 *  include at least:                                                                      
 *  * __application/json__: The this.send() function uses JSON.stringify() and sends the  
 *    result with a UTF-8 encoding. An incoming byte stream will be parsed as JSON,        
 *    and if the parsing fails, will be provided as a string interpretation of the byte    
 *    stream.                                                                              
 *  * __text/\*__: Any text type is sent as a string encoded in UTF-8.                    
 *  * __image/x__: Where __x__ is one of __json__, __png__, __gif__,                      
 *    and more (FIXME: which, exactly?).                                                  
 *    In this case, the data passed to this.send() is assumed to be an image, as encoded  
 *    on the host, and the image will be encoded as a byte stream in the specified        
 *    format before sending.  A received byte stream will be decoded as an image,          
 *    if possible. FIXME: What happens if decoding fails?                                  
 *  The event 'close' will be emitted when the socket is closed, and 'error' if an        
 *  an error occurs (with an error message as an argument).                                
 *  For example,
 *  <pre>                                                                                  
 *      var WebSocket = require('webSocketClient');                                        
 *      var client = new WebSocket.Client({'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8080});            
 *      client.send({'foo': 'bar'});                                                      
 *      client.on('message', function(message) {                                          
 *          console.log('Received from web socket: ' + message);                          
 *      });                                                                                
 *  </pre>                                                                                
 *  The above code may send a message even before the socket is opened. This module        
 *  implementation will queue that message to be sent later when the socket is opened.    
 *  The options argument is a JSON object that can contain the following properties:      
 *  * host: The IP address or host name for the host. Defaults to 'localhost'.            
 *  * port: The port on which the host is listening. Defaults to 80.                      
 *  * receiveType: The MIME type for incoming messages, which defaults to 'application/json'.                                                                                        
 *  * sendType: The MIME type for outgoing messages, which defaults to 'application/json'.
 *  * connectTimeout: The time to wait before giving up on a connection, in milliseconds  
 *    (defaults to 1000).                                                                  
 *  * numberOfRetries: The number of times to retry connecting. Defaults to 10.            
 *  * timeBetweenRetries: The time between retries, in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.      
 *  * discardMessagesBeforeOpen: If true, discard messages before the socket is open. Defaults to false.                                                                            
 *  * throttleFactor: The number milliseconds to stall for each item that is queued waiting to be sent. Defaults to 0.
 *  @param options The options.                                                            
exports.Client = function (options) {
    options = options || {};
    this.port = options.port || 80; = || 'localhost';
    this.sslTls = options.sslTls || false;
    this.receiveType = options.receiveType || 'application/json';
    this.sendType = options.sendType || 'application/json';
    this.connectTimeout = options.connectTimeout || 1000;
    this.numberOfRetries = options.numberOfRetries || 10;
    this.timeBetweenRetries = options.timeBetweenRetries || 500;
    this.trustAll = options.trustAll || false;
    this.trustedCACertPath = options.trustedCACertPath || '';
    this.discardMessagesBeforeOpen = options.discardMessagesBeforeOpen || false;
    this.throttleFactor = options.throttleFactor || 0;
    this.helper = WebSocketHelper.createClientSocket(

The above needs to be updated to be a call to the appropriate ws functions.

See the ws WebSocket documentation for how to create a WebSocket, which is the closest to the Cape Code WebSocketHelper createClientSocket().

  1. The documentation for ws WebSocket is pathetic. The options are not documented.
  2. It looks like Cape Code's WebSocketHelper is based on Vert.x, not on the ws Node module.

See Also

Create a copy of an accessor

One way to learn about accessors is to copy something that works and use it. In this example, we will create a copy of the StockTick accessor

  1. Go to $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web
    mkdir myAccessor
  2. Copy these files:
    cp services/StockTick.js myAccessor/MyAccessor.js
    cp services/StockTickIcon.xml myAccessor/MyAccessorIcon.xml
    cp services/index.json myAccessor/
    1. services/StockTick.js defines the accessor, we create a copy. Note that the directory name (myAccessor) starts with a lower case letter, but the .js file (MyAccessor.js) starts with an upper case letter. This is the coding standard.
    2. services/StockTickIcon.xml defines an icon for the accessor.
    3. services/index.json lists the accessors in the directory that are available for import.
  3. Edit myAccessor/MyAccessor.js and change StockTick to MyAccessor.
  4. Edit myAccessor/index.json so that it refers to MyAccessor.js@@

Import the New Accessor

  1. Start up Ptolemy and attempt to import the accessor
    1. File -> New -> Graph Editor
    2. File -> Import -> Import Accessor
      1. Click on the "Browse" button and go to $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/myAccessor and click on "Open". Note that none of the files are highlighted or selectable. This is because we are selecting the directory myAccessors.
      2. In the Import Accessor dialog, the accessor combobox will list "MyAccessor.js"
      3. Click OK. The accessor will appear.

Use the New Accessor

Note that the name has changed, but the functionality is the same as StockTick accessor. You could

  1. open up $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/demo/StockTick/StockTick.xml,
  2. import MyAccessor,
  3. set the parameters of MyAccessor to the same values as those of the original StockTick accessor,
  4. move the connections from the StockTick accessor to the new MyAccessor
  5. and run it.

Change the Functionality.

  1. Edit org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/myAccessor/MyAccessor.js to change the functionality
  2. Double Click on the MyAccessor Icon and hit Reload to get the new functionality


Some Accessors require JavaScript modules, which, in Ptolemy, are found in $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules. For example, $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/net/Discovery.js contains:

var discovery = require('discovery');

If you did the above steps and created $PTII/org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/myDiscovery/MyDiscovery.js, you could replace

var discovery = require('discovery');


var discovery = require('myDiscovery');

and then create a copy of $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/discovery:

cd $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules
mkdir myDiscovery
cp discovery/discovery.js myDiscovery/myDiscovery.js
cp discovery/package.json myDiscovery/package.json
Then edit both files in myDiscovery/ and change discovery to myDiscovery.

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Page last modified on April 20, 2016, at 05:58 pm